Saturday, July 24, 2010

Important editorial from Steve Cooper at

This editorial is one of the most important I have ever written. Please share this with everyone....

I love how the leftist plants in the media want to now regulate the Internet now that they have a Marxist in the White House. The media covers up for Obama as much as they can, but the Internet exposes their lies and this is driving them up the wall. It is their job to control the information and they are basically stooges of the US Government.

Notice the calls to censor and regulate the Internet were never mentioned during the Bush years by the media? Why? Because their Soros funded smear machines were working 24/7 to undermine the war, Bush and the troops. It is no secret that the media is filled with communist agents that are a grave threat to freedom and free speech.

I predicted the other day that the Marxists in the media would call for some censorship of the Internet due to this Breitbart/Sherrod incident. The White House fired her, not Breitbart (I do not believe their story) and the media is not calling them out on it. Trust me, I am no Breitbart fan either due to his suppression of the news when it comes to Obama's ineligibility issue. I do believe that entire incident was staged and Breitbart was set up, because he was the man that put a knife into the heart of ACORN. This is how the left works, they are destroyers, not uniters....

Did the left want to shut down Rolling Stone when they did the General McChrystal article about how he bashed the cowards in the White House? No, they did not, they bashed McChrystal instead, because that was the script that they were handed.

Maybe if the plants at CNN had the balls to report the truth, there would be no need for people like me, but they lost the trust of the people due to their obvious Marxist tendencies. Again, where was the call for fairness when Bush was getting brutalized day in and out for 8 years? The silence was deafening.

George Bush was no conservative, but the far left wing plants in the media like Olbermann saw Bush as Hitler. Where was the outcry to censor Keith, the tin foil hat commie? Both parties are getting closer and closer to the same, but they are still different and the bias by the left wing plants in the media proves my point.

Why are CNN and MSNBC's ratings in the tank? The people do not trust their message. So, now the left wing plants in the media want to force you to only listen to their message and not anyone else. They are true fascists, right to the core and the enemy within.

John Roberts? Come to my house and try to take this lap top away from me and see what un-American bastard. you are nothing but a shill for the international Marxists and that is why we stopped watching CNN. He wants us to be less free than North Korea or Iran? He talks about defamation of character? That is what courts are for, John.

All comments on the Internet can be traced. So, if someone defames or threatens someone they will be held accountable. Breitbart is not an anonymous blogger. The real agenda of the left is to out all anonymous bloggers, so they can be publicly attacked by the left wing thugs in their community? Maybe the reason why people are anonymous is because they fear you left wing thugs? Ever think of that? John?

Go to for more.....

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