Sunday, July 25, 2010

Where The Bill of Rights Stop

Limitations on our constitutional rights ends when we leave our national borders. To travel to Saudi Arabia one must first be invited to enter the kingdom, once inside one must also obey their laws or face punishment. A traveler may not bring in a Bible,it is forbidden. You would not be allowed to evangelize the inhabitants either. The only religion is Islam. It isn't just the Saudis, if you travel to China you would meet with another set of restrictions. We understand travel to foreign lands bring about limitations on our American personal liberties. Those of our country that run afoul of the laws of our host nation and get arrested, often turn to the US embassy to aid in securing their release.

The US Constitution protects US citizens, and only within our borders are those rights guaranteed. There are limitations too, to the core freedoms outlined in the Bill of Rights. We can own a gun, but we can't own a cannon without a special permit. We can't own a thermo nuclear warhead though. We can say what we want, but we can't slander a person. We can't yell fire in a theater, or while standing in line at the airport, talk about hijacking the plane.

The liberal left is using our Bill of Rights as Saul Alinsky tools. The 1st amendment in the hands of an Alinskyite is transformed into a jackhammer, the 2nd a blowtorch, for as many amendments as we have, they use each as a demolition tool to destroy our way of life,our constitution, our liberty.

The proposed mosque at ground zero isn't an expression of religious freedom. It isn't covered by the 1st amendment. Since when do we guarantee foreigners our rights. Our constitution doesn't control what happens in Havana or Teheran. Why should it apply to outside forces who wish to influence us within our boundaries.

The ground zero mosque is allegedly receiving hundreds of millions in funding mainly from Muslims from outside the US. We should rightfully decide whether or not this mosque should be allowed to be built. It is no different if a crusader goes into Africa and wants to build a church with money donated from the citizens from the Bible belt states. The host nation has the say on whether that church gets built or not. Needless to say the same goes for military installations.

We are not infringing on anyone's constitutional rights from Yemen when we tell them to go to hell and take their mosque with them, because our rights are not their rights. We are a nation and they are a nation.

If you want to take the same logic in this article and apply it to the illegal immigration issue, be my guest. Borders do matter. Sovereignty does matter. Our laws are for us, and their laws are for them. That's the way the world turns.

As the esteemed philosopher Forest Gump once said, "Wheyal, thayats bout all Ah got ta say about thayat."


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