Thursday, December 9, 2010


 for starters...

-promoting taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand
-defending the civil rights and liberties of suspected anti-American terrorists and their abetters
-opposing the death penalty in all circumstances
-promoting social welfare benefits and amnesty for illegal aliens
-defending the civil rights and liberties of suspected anti-American terrorists and their abetters
-promoting open borders, mass immigration, and a watering down of current immigration laws
-advocating stricter gun-control measures
-advocating the legalization of marijuana
-promoting the view that America is institutionally an oppressive nation
-promoting the election of leftist political candidates throughout the United States
-opposing virtually all post-9/11 national security measures enacted by U.S. government, particularly the Patriot Act
-depicting American military actions as unjust, unwarranted, and immoral
-financing the recruitment and training of future activist leaders of the political Left
-advocating America's unilateral disarmament and/or a steep reduction in its military spending
-promoting socialized medicine in the United States
-promoting the tenets of radical environmentalism, whose ultimate goal, as writer Michael Berliner has explained, is "not clean air and clean water, [but] rather ... the demolition of technological/industrial civilization"
-bringing American foreign policy under the control of the United Nations
-promoting racial and ethnic preferences in academia and the business world alike

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