Friday, February 18, 2011

4th Demorat To Bail From Senate

Jeff Bingaman (d) New Mexico announced today he will not seek re-elction in 2012. Bingaman is the 4th retiring (d) senator in the 112th congress to announce he is quitting.

For those keeping track- Lieberman Conn.,Conrad S.D., Webb Va, and Bingamon NM. All of these states with the exception of Connecticut have turned RED, electing republican governors in the 2010 election or were republican prior to 2010.

Dodd was a for sure loser for Conn, until he retired and was replaced by the lying Viet Nam marine, blue blood, Blumenthal, whose likely only combat service was popping a champagne cork. Which goes to show the residents of Connecticut be they rebublican or democrat, powerbrokerd a senator who is unfit for anything but, getting the elitist tax advantages. So the beat will continue in Connecticut for 2012.

The other three states offer some real help in taking back our government, IF they vet their candidates and do not send a politics as usual type to D.C., rather someone who actually understands the constitution, not just capable of reading it.


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