Friday, February 18, 2011

UN Ambassador Feels Heat Changes Big Talk.

Obama's social justice Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice, cast a veto today against a resolution condemning Israel for continued settlement building. She did it according to her, "With the greatest of regrets". In other words, she wanted to vote with the Arabs, but US public opinion just wouldn't allow it. 2012 matters even to a Usurper.

Rice as insincere was her veto, had spent the earlier part of the week circulating support for a rebuke aimed at Israel. The first ever US rebuke of Israel in 62 years. There's Obama for you, just couldn't keep from kissing up to his Muslim brothers, and siding against our best ally in the strategic Middle East. D-U-M-B A-S-S.


1 comment:

  1. IMO, perjoratives such as your D-U-M-B A-S-S directed at Soetoro aka Obama -- or, anyone in his administration, obscure the most obvious. He is absolutely NOT a D... A...! He is doing exactly as his Muslim, anti-Western, anti-civilized childhood training and indoctrination command him to do. The Marxists are only "dumb" to the abundant facts that do not in ANY way support their barbarian culture and so-called religion. He is most cunning and skilled in presenting exactly the opposit from what he and his puppeteers have as goals and agenda for the take over of the USA -- to establish a caliphat in which Islam and the Muslims rule by terror. His apparent success in the intimidation of our Congress, our judiciary and, so far, our military, attest to the cunning of his intellect.

    Let's NOT underestimate the intelligence of our adversaries to freedom and capitalism. (NOTE! I did not use the word DEMOCRACY -- the "rule of the majority" which is the OPPOSITE of the intent of our Founding Documents.


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