Friday, February 18, 2011

Obama Has Succeeded In Out Smarting Palin-She's Done As A Candidate

Palin with her stated desire to "not fall into the distraction trap" over Obama's eligibility, just slit her own wrists. How can she or anyone consider any laws or treatys bearing Obama's signature valid when as a usurper these laws would be subject to nullification?

If Palin is against ObamaCare wouldn't the most direct approach be a Quo Warranto hearing in Congress? If she doesn't like DADT, Illegal Immigration, Voter Fraud, Unions,Bankrupt States, ACORN, START, Stimulus I, II, TARP, or Big Budget Spending, should not the starting point which destroys the central nervous system be the place to begin?

Palin's supporters will fall away in droves. Palin must never have heard of reverse psychology. By trying to avoid an imaginary trap, she has allowed herself to be guiled into willingly leaping into a very real trap called voter alienation.


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