Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dereliction of Duty

©2011 drkate
Dereliction of duty widely refers to failure, through negligence or obstinacy, to perform one’s legal or moral duty to a reasonable expectation. Though dereliction of duty refers to a specific military offense, the same term is used to describe an occurrence of an elected official failing to perform his or her elected duty.  An elected official accused of dereliction of duty may not be reelected or may be impeached. Dereliction is a form of the word derelict, derived from the Latin word derelictus, and is synonymous with “negligent,” “neglectful,” “abandoned” and “deserted.”
To whom does Obama owe his duty?

Obama owes his duty and allegiance to America, not the international community, not the U.N., not Allah, and not to the monkey in his pants.  He does not owe his allegiance to the banksters, the muslims, the Europeans, or anyone else.  Obama is in our house, not theirs.
As the ‘leader’ of America, Obama has an obligation to not to meddle in the affairs of other Nations.  But look at what he’s left:
Observing Obama in his virginal 2011 year, Pakistan is in ruin, Lebanon is in ruin, Egypt is in ruin, Libya is in ruin, Tunisia is in ruin, Yemen is in ruin, Albania is in ruin, Greece is in ruin, Ireland is in ruin, Spain is in ruin, Portugal is in ruin…and with Japan in ruin, Barack Hussein Obama has decided for once not to go off and play golf, as America faces deepening Obama economic ruin.
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1 comment:

  1. It's a real stretch to assume that aka "owes his allegiance to America" -- THAT is an assumption that all voters would make IF and when the POTUS WERE a letitimate. Constitutionally eligible person which aka IS NOT!

    I have yet to see ANY ppublication or photo of aka SALUTING THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA .... nor have I ever heard of him repeating the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag!

    It is obvious -- at least to the student of religions, that aka is practicing taqyya -- the Muslim art of lying to the infidels (non-Muslims), as a ruse to insinuate Islamic goals upon the infidel enemy -- the great satin" that is the USA. He's merely a left wing puppet of the international bankers and globalists anyway.
    He's doing a fabulous job of getting America under the control of the U.N. and headed in to a New World Order -- which, incidentally, was the prime goal in the agenda of both Bush Presidents.

    President, General Dwight D. Eisenhower warned all Americans in his farewell speech that we should be aware of being led astray by the military-industrial complex. Citizens did not listen. Trillions of taxpayer dollars are now held in personal accounts in the Vatican Bank by the members of our political eleite class. Our Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is reportedly a "billionaire" in has account at the Vatican Bank! NO WONDER he won't let any "eligibility" cases come before the Supreme Court!


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