Saturday, May 21, 2011


The Obama Code -- three is a pattern of TREASON
Many kudos to investigative author Jerome Corsi for his tireless pursuit of the truth, to include recently exposing "The Obama Code" in the document purported to be a birth certificate.  (And, kudos to investigative author Jack Cashill for proving, from a different angle, that Obama flat-out lies about even his own "nativity story" -- and the Lamestream News Media dutifully covers for him.)

Several years ago, the FBI released warnings that Muslim terrorists were using hidden codes inside pictures to communicate various messages.  (It was an ingenious way to get past the Carnivore computer system that scours millions of e-mails to look for trigger words that could indicate terrorist activity.)  Computer code is based upon mathematics, and our modern math is based upon "the Arabic numbering system".  So, it should not surprise anyone that there would be some math geniuses among the Muslim terrorists.

In the practice of law, three of something proves a pattern, which then proves intent.  (The doctrine is called "action proves intent".)  Obama now has a patten of at least three coded communications that simultaneously weaken America and embolden her enemies.  They are:

1.  Obama's June 2009 speech in Cairo , Egypt . (decoded)

2.  Obama's March 2011 speech at National Defense University .  (decoded)

3.  Obama's April 2011 release of phony "long-form birth certificate"
(code found, but meanings not decoded)

I have not yet had time to examine the words of Obama's recent speech to the Muslim world -- in which he openly declared that Israel should return to her pre-1967 borders (thus giving up the Temple Mount) -- but I am confident that his code-speak will even surpass what he said openly.

Even if we do not discover the exact meanings of the individual code elements of Item 3 above, the overall message is that the United States has been taken over by an illegal-alien usurper.  That message alone fits the pattern described above:  weakening America and emboldening her enemies.

Or, put in other words, Obama has shown a legally-proven intentional pattern of "giving aid and comfort to our enemies" -- the Constitutional definition of treason.  That is a word that we military veterans do not use lightly.

Articles of impeachement can only originate from the US House of Representatives, which is now controlled by the Republican Party.  The last time that they controlled the House against a president from the Democratic Party, they brought up impeachment charges for activity that was far less damaging to the United States .  When will the current crop of Republicans discover their collective backbones and do something about this usurping traitor??!!

Tom Kovach

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