Friday, May 20, 2011

Expert’s Report: No Doubt Obama’s Long Form Birth Certificate Is Fake! « CDR Kerchner's Blog

So now we have forged, fabricated PDF files of alleged documents placed on White House servers, a defacto President using someone else's Social Security number from at least 1986 to 2008, and a putative President who never properly registered for the DRAFT as is required by law for valid U.S. Citizens and instead filed a back dated Selective Service Registration in Chicago IL in 2007.   Yesterday we find more evidence of the fraudulent real estate transaction between Obama and the criminal Tony Rezko and a new mysterious name of "Harrison J. Bounel" associated with Obama and his wife Michele Obama and the connections to the address of their home in Chicago IL.  Real estate fraud.  SSN number fraud.  Tax fraud.  When will the Congress call for an investigation as to how a fabricated and manipulated PDF file document got placed on government servers, i.e., the White House servers?  WHO knew that the PDF file place on the White House server had multiple layers of fabricated digital objects and that it was not a scan of a document ... and WHEN did they know it?  When will the House of Reps investigate the SSN and Draft Reg fraud?  The House of Reps needs to launch an investigation immediately, call for an FBI investigation, or appoint a special prosecutor to find out how forged document PDF files are being placed onto government servers and disseminated to the American people under the color of authority.

CDR Kerchner (Ret)

1 comment:

  1. "... or appoint a special prosecutor..."

    Who's NOT a Democrat.


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