Tuesday, November 8, 2011

 Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Liberal Racism and False Accusations of Sexual Harassment: Now we know why the liberal establishment is so desperate for ignorant voters to hate Herman Cain. He represents everything degenerates desperately fear. His race, his success, his dichotomous opposition to their Chosen One, Barack Obama, and his competence over Obama’s miserable failure in economic matters. Most importantly, however, Herman Cain possesses the backing of the truly powerful and wealthy who will not hesitate to subsidize a massive, global investigation into the fraudulent presidency of the most unadulterated, prolific swindler in American political history.

Dan Crosby
The Daily Pen

New York, NY - One thing liberals are going to have to choke down is that just because they are offended it does not mean anyone did anything offensive. The teeth-gnashing, universal truth for Obots is that their buddies in the liberal media are not entitled to define what is offensive.

That being said, has anyone on the left ever stopped their pursuit of political correction long enough to wonder why they only ever accuse their opposition of offenses which only tickle their little fascinations, i.e. sexual harassment, racism, blah, blah, blah? The answer to that question is short and sweet. The actual criminal will only falsely accuse someone of a crime they have expertise in, themselves.

It makes you wonder what else Herman Cain did not do which he is accused of by liberal media carnival barkers.

Obama’s evil hordes have a lot to fear from Herman Cain. Cain’s access to untold monetary power so frightens the liberal establishment and Obama’s lapdog media that they will conjure any lie from their seething caldron in order to fight the exposure of the ultimate truth presiding against them. The truth being that Obama is a fraudulent president who has not only failed to ever demonstrate his eligibility to be president, but also has likewise and naturally failed at every task his usurped position has required him to perform. Obama is a true counterfeit hewn deep from the harbingers of liberal insidiousness, and Cain has the potential of bringing Obama's epic fraud into the domain of consciousness.

Recall, I wrote in September, 2011…”Obama’s existence is so threatened by Cain that the communist propaganda media wing of Obama’s illegitimate administration will very soon contrive a story in which sporadic, random and anonymous women or former children will actually and falsely levy their anonymous offendedness at Cain…Knowing all too well the character of liberals, I can confidently say it will most likely be women. They would rather not set the precedence of having anyone look into offenses against children. That hits too close to home for most liberals.

These women will be sought out by Obama’s liberal hacks for the very purpose of attempting to destroy Cain. They will be sought out because they will not come forward on their own either because they are not actually damaged or injured, or because of some former settlement Cain was forced to accept under false pretenses in order to avoid the cost of litigation. No matter what the liberal media packages and sells, the actual truth about these women will be twisted and maimed until the only vile message conveyed by the enemy is that Cain must have certainly committed an act of aggravated rape or sexual assault but for which there will never be any proof of actually happening. The proof of such accusations in this case will be in the twisted minds of those looking through the eyes of those who now, all of a sudden, claim to be offended.

It is an absolute certainty that the ignorant consumer of liberal sewage will never wonder why the so-called "victims" didn't have the courage or permission to come forward before Cain was a presidential candidate.

Therefore, my vintage American brothers and sisters, don’t be surprised when, in October or soon thereafter, some liberal media hackshop like MSNBC, ABC or CBS concocts a hit piece against Cain for political reasons but for which no affirming evidence will ever actually surface…Then , calmly remember who the messenger is and that the messenger is the one you should target for deletion from legitimacy, not Cain.

Herman Cain is the proverbial rock being thrown into the pack of liberal dogs. Now, all we have to do is listen for the ones who yelp the loudest and, then, summarily euthanize them…”
It’s good to be right about liberals.

The Truth About Reparative Justice

Advances in anthropological science reveal that all modern descendants of early man come from geographic origins located on the continent now known as Africa. However, the dirty little secret which liberal pedagoguery and liars of modern political correction won’t tell the world is why today’s anglo-European societies, some of the smallest minorities on Earth behind Asian and African demographics, now presides over the most powerful economies in human history. How has America been able to raise the quality of human existence while the rest of world languishes in their hatred of us?

Somewhere in history, perhaps thousands of years ago, humanity's first patriots decided they did not want to be slaves any longer. They rose up...they fought and, at some point, they left Africa seeking freedom. They made new societies in the northern hemisphere and became pale skinned over generations, migrating in less arid climates. Eventually, those former slaves distinguished themselves as a new race apart from their former slavemasters. Then, perhaps in the mid second millenium or so, it was time to square the account. Descendants of slaves became the slavemaster.

After 500 years of justice, in a place called America, around 1865, slavery ended. However the twisted lies from the liberal mind would have the world believe that slavery began in America.

Herman Cain has emerged as the pristine result of the actual legacy of economic equality among all races...and liberals can't stand it! They wanted their black icon to be the bearer of such justice...not an actual person like Cain. Liberals want a shadow creature like Obama to bear the lie of their message which says that reparative justice must be taken from those only we are offended by. In seeking reparative justice, however, liberals refuse to acknowledge the truth as it was prior to their shallow, ignorant, American slavery-era moorings.

Today, liberal degenerates have hijacked the American media complex and they are going to use everything in their insidiously evil box of implements to undermine Herman Cain.

Decent American people must first remember, and never forget, that liberals are the actual racists of our species. They were the first to incorporate racism under the guise of social justice seeking recompense for their version of what they think constitutes “fairness” for everyone. Liberal shame lies in their ignorance to remain in only the moment which serves their selfish entitlement derangement.

Vintage Americans are the descendants of the first slaves who fled north out of the African continent, away from their African slave masters, seeking inhabitance in freedom from their oppressors. Generations later, the white races of the earth began settling a prehistoric score which transcends idiotic liberal cultivated in the fraudulent idea that America alone, somehow, invented slavery. These are the same gangrenous hordes who have conjured offended women to smear Herman Cain. A true American patriot.

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