Thursday, June 14, 2012

President Obama lives a closeted life, wears a front to mask his enormous secret, maintains a public lie to defend his reputation and presidency...

President Obama Needs To Be Outed

President Obama lives a closeted life, wears a front to mask his enormous secret, maintains a public lie to defend his reputation and presidency, has a hidden truth that no one dare speak.  What is that hidden truth?  It is that he is a closet statutory citizen and not a “natural born citizens” as the Constitution requires in order to be President.

Some secrets are too devastating to be shared, too shocking to be disseminated, too disruptive and damaging to be broadcast.  One such secret was that kept by Rock Hudson and all who knew him.  When it was finally reveal in the press that he had AIDS, I wasn’t shocked one bit.  Why?
Because decades earlier, while still a teenage in the 1960s, my uncle, a resident of Hollywood, once related that while he was at a Hollywood party, he saw Rock Hudson, super male heart throb, kissing a man on the mouth.  That sure went against the grain of what one would have expected to hear.  But why did no one else hear about it?  And not for decades?

Because of a wall of silence maintained by the press in order to protect one of America’s idols.  The news that a handsome, strong leading all-male American figure could be “queer” was more than any news operation was willing to divulge to the American people.  There was an actual real-life, honest-to-goodness conspiracy of silence to protect him, (and us) from the truth.

1 comment:

  1. There is no such thing as a statutory citizen, so pretty much there rest of your article goes down the tubes from there.


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