Sunday, July 8, 2012

Obama's openly proclaimed solution for the next four years is to repeat the suicidal policies of the last four. That will not hurt a single billionaire in America, because they have a hundred different loopholes. It will hurt you and your children. In the last election, American voters were suckered bad. Obama's election was the worst example of America's profound civic failures since the Baby Boomers -- the failure of ordinary voters to educate themselves. In an electoral system, no matter how flawed, the voters have a say. In 2008, they flunked the test of common sense. They fell for the slick talk of a used car salesman because he was black, or half-black, but enough black to make them keel over.

July 8, 2012

Obama vs. Romney: The Kitty Genovese Test

By James Lewis

So a Mormon and a leftist are walking on a street in New York, and they hear screams.  It's Kitty Genovese being stabbed to death, and it becomes a huge preachy New York Times guilt-tripping campaign, because Kitty's neighbors heard her screams and did nothing.  The liberal media smelled a preaching opportunity too good to pass up.  Today Kitty Genovese is still a lib-media symbol for America.
Well, what would Mitt do?  Or Barry?
We don't know, but we know what their lifelong beliefs say they should do.


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