Monday, March 18, 2013

"Where's Admiral Gaouette?" and the "Benghazi CBA"

SOS at CPAC: "Where's Admiral Gaouette?" and the "Benghazi CBA"

New organization of former US Special Ops officers issues distress calls about urgent high-profile questions.

By Mark Langfan, at CPAC

US aircraft carrier
US aircraft carrier
"SOS" is a naval emergency distress call meaning "Save our Ship", but at the CPAC, (Conservative Political Action Committee) convention, "SOS" stands for, a new organization of former US Special Ops officers who are issuing distress calls about urgent high-profile questions, and critical  unanswered mysteries about the 2012 Obama Benghazi debacle.

CAPT Larry Bailey, USN (Ret.), a former senior SEAL commander and co-founder of Special Operation Speaks, demands to know, "Where the heck is Admiral Gaouette?" ADM Gaouette was the commander of the USS Stennis Carrier Strike Group on station in the Persian Gulf area who was mysteriously summarily stripped of his command during the attack in Benghazi, Libya, in which Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were murdered. 
Several days afterward, it was reported that ADM Gaouette was summarily relieved of his command during a major operational contingency event during the Benghazi attacks for the alleged claim of "inappropriate leadership judgment." ADM Gaouette's detention and total disappearance weeks before the November 2012 presidential election was a story that CAPT Bailey says "disappeared into a black hole of silence."

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