Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Sadly, middle America is too busy pretending to know better about politics, too content with the opiate of the masses - their alcohol, baseball games, and shopping - to bother lifting a finger to hold off the impending demise of the middle class. Some are on the government dole and haven’t felt the sting of Obama’s policies. Eventually, the country will run out of money and credit and even those on welfare will finally feel the pinch.

Political Apathy Destroying Middle Class Comforts

Rachel Alexander

9/3/2013  - Rachel Alexander
Many refuse to get involved in politics because they believe their efforts are so insignificant it is not worth the time. These cynics believe the system is so vast, and corruption so ingrained, that it is futile. Although it may be difficult to get much accomplished in government, these civic dropouts are forgetting one crucial thing. There is a much more important reason to get involved in politics than trying to change things. It is to stop the country from getting any worse.
Apathetic non-voters kick back with their bread and circuses; a six-pack of beer and a movie, and think they are preserving the status quo. They believe no matter what happens in politics, they will still have the minimal necessities to keep them happy; nine-to-five jobs, vacations, and relaxation with family and friends.
In reality, by doing nothing, they are gradually losing the status quo and their comfortable middle class amenities and lifestyles. When they stayed at home and didn’t vote in the 2012 presidential election, Barack Obama won reelection and a mandate to continue destroying the economy. Many lost their jobs this past year as a result of the continued downturn. Others are now seeing their healthcare shrink or become more expensive. Full-time workers are finding their hours cut as employers dodge unaffordable Obamacare. Young voters are discovering they can’t find decent-paying employment, and are still living with their parents.
This do-nothing attitude includes apathy about voting. There is the oft-repeated notion that one vote is meaningless in a sea of voters. Instead of seeing it as a glass half full, these pessimists see it as glass half empty. If all apathetic voters were to change their attitudes and vote, they could make a difference.

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