Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Enemy From Within

It is said during the feudal days of Anglo-Saxony, serfs rarely traveled more than 2 or 3 miles from their villages. They spent their entire lives confined to an area of about 36 square miles. The nobles and their vassal lords fiercely enforced the laws, which often carried summary execution for any violator. Hunt in a forest belonging a noble, death. Trespass on forbidden land, death. Take wood to build your hut, death. Finally the peasants wised up and realized "they're going to kill us for any number of reasons anyway, so we might as well try to throw off the yoke. From the centuries of sporadic upheaval eventually came the English Magna Carta Libertatum of 1215. The Great Charter. Power once attained is hard to wrest from a despotic oligarchy however. The masses remained controlled by a central authority which encouraged disunity,the singling out, informants, a sowing of confusion through dysfunctional laws and news sources,even the general disarming of the public among other acts. Courts returned verdicts per royal edict. The powerful remained above the law. It was not until Oliver Cromwell subdued the Monarchy in 1646 whereby Parliament finally became a viable arm of government in England. This struggle from the days of the serfs to the commoners took several hundred years.

There is a topic which many of us have heard of regarding the terrorist threat America faces. A scenario whereby a nuclear device detonated in space 200 miles directly above the center of the US,approximately above St Louis,to produce an EMP effect. The weapon's blast itself would not structurally damage buildings,homes, roads, bridges, dams etc. but the resultant Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) would fry every unprotected electronic circuit in America, from the East Coast to the West Coast. Think one big National Power Surge. No more phones, no more computers, no cars, no appliances, no electric grid,no banking ....... We would in a nuclear flash take a 300 year step backwards. How's your farming skills? Are you any good with an axe? Do you even own any land? Even if you could go some where, where would you go? Think Mexico would finish that pesky border fence for us? "Hello Serf, Magna What?."

What if the EMP strike didn't come from the outside? What if it came from within? How better to collapse a country, start from scratch, redistribute the wealth, install a shadow government-in-waiting, fulfill the promise to the NWO cabal.

What about our military? What about them? Are we going to nuke our own land? Where is this shadowy NWO cabal, we can't lay hands on Bin Laden, are our chances better finding mega-billionaires? Are they undefended and powerless? We have one domestic source within our borders which produces meaningful quantities of nitro cellulose, a key ingredient from which gunpowder is produced. Ask any civilian gun owner,if ammunition is currently in short supply or if a simple component "a primer" is anywhere to be had in this country. You would learn the supply is all but dried up. No one knows when the supply will be available, no plan, no date, total blackout of information. Is it because the government is buying everything produced by the few domestic and foreign manufacturers that do supply primers and powder to the American market? We're not talking mega dollars to do this either. Our sole military cartridge factory only spends around $30 million a year on primers for small arms cartridges.(Lake City Arsenal, Mo. is the only small arms military cartridge factory in the country. It was recently expanded to produce 1.5 billion cartridges per year for the armed services. A primer costs 2 cents apiece retail. That's where the $30 million figure comes from.) For the current Washington D.C. regime to buy up the civilian supply is no great feat. How better to subvert the second amendment than to render firearms useless. Contrary to popular belief our military does not have an ocean of bullets in reserve. Under Bush, civilian sources were enlisted to supply our troops in Iraq due to arsenal production shortfalls. Our Depot War Reserves were tapped out to the point Remington and ATK were enlisted to help supply our deployed troops in the GWOT. Let me ask some rhetorical questions..... How many armed felons take the time to "reload their own ammunition" prior to the commission of their crime? Why is a pillar of our freedom "the armed citizen" being defanged? If Obama can shut down the supply to the civilian market, how easy would it be to seize,to sabotage, divert and or shut down the supply to the military? Without primers,there is no ammunition, rifles become metallic clubs. Seize control of the munition plants, and our military become civilians all dressed-up with no place to go. Our Air Force and Naval personnel do not have individual weapons. Shut off the military aviation fuel supply and our aircraft don't fly. Some 150,000 of our ground troops are deployed abroad, not here tending the watch fires. Now what was that Obama said about a Civilian National Security Force just as well equipped, just as well funded as our military? Stimulus funds "unspent", Import Export Bank, Federal Reserve Bank questionable transactions, loans to Brazil that don't make sense. Anybody know where 5 million AK-47s could be bought? Only the best for our Black Panthers, Black Nationalists, SEIU, ACORN, Inner City Drug Gangs, Cons, and Communist Party, Troopers. The Jihadists and Latin Americano's can bring their own. Didn't Chavez in Venezuela, just get gifted an AK factory from Putin?

If Obama is morally corrupt enough to usurp the office of POTUS, he is capable of subverting America.Someone of Obama's questionable loyalty, along with his apostles, would not feel the misery America would be suffering during the famine and upheaval. BHO and co. would be jet-setting in normal climes, feted as the hero of Islam.

Is this a nightmare scenario of a an overly worried paranoid Texan. I sure hope so. I keep getting this feeling though, we are definitely waist deep in the Rubicon River, have we reached the point of no return yet-- this I don't know. What I do know is why in the hell should we even being asking ourselves these questions to begin with. By the end of 2009 we should know much, much, more.


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