Sunday, September 6, 2009

Van Jones... Is He Really Gone?

I'm not telling you anything new that hasn't occurred to you already- Van Jones is gone but not forgotten, nor will his power and influence, so no article on this viewpoint. How about a look at team Obama from this perspective........

I note Human Health and Service Secretary Kathrine Sebelius was "benched" by Obama during her disastrous outings during the August Health Care town hall meetings. When the self proclaimed centerpiece to the Obama Power Hijacking was seen slipping away, none other than tax cheat Tom Daschle, the originator of ObamaCare, was called from the bullpen. Manager Obama strode to the mound, held out his hand in disgust and demanded the ball from Sebelius. Obama turned to his overflowing pen out in left field, make that far far out in left field, and then Obama held up his left arm. (How fitting no?) calling for his Ace reliever Daschle.

Sebelius slinked back to the dugout in shame and took a seat as far down the bench away from the skipper as possible. Sebelius knows Obama's hot under the collar after her lackluster performance. Her time in the "Bigs" is most likely history, soon she will get the dreaded words, "Back down to the farm club in Topeka, you just ain't got it kid." She'll stay on with the franchise, Soros and Rockefeller need all the screwball throwers they can get,it's the life blood of their league. Their scouting department is always on the lookout for talent.

So if you are out of work,disenchanted with America and disgruntled, you might consider a try out for one of the new teams. There's the BlackNationalist Commies, the SEIU Maoists, the Acorn Marxists, the Obama Usurpers, the Americorp WWV's (Won't Work Vols), or the CivNatSecForce OG Thugs. As a tip, stay away from the WWV's,I hear they run a sloppy organization-----no work ethic.

A word of advice though, a new Patriots League is forming and they are kickass good, real name takers and heart breakers.



  1. You can be certain he hasn't disappeared. He'll be working just as hard in some other gang doing his best to destroy America. All of the czar appointments are illegal - and all of the czars are radicals. None were vetted and they only report to Obama/Emanuel/Axelrod and Soros. Everyone of them must be removed. You'll note that Mr. Mouth is amazingly silent on these kind of issues.

  2. This piece should be submitted for publication in a newspaper or magazine. Well written, funny, and true. Excellent baseball analogy.


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