Monday, October 5, 2009

Who has been talking to Judge Carter?...

I was in the courtroom and this was not the same judge that said he was going to decide this case on the merits. No...this was a judge who was carefully covering his rear end and made it clear to this observer that he wants to punt! He doesn't want to hear this case and he is doing everything to justify throwing it out!

Problem is...Orly Taitz closed with a rational, highly effective and impassioned plea that the U.S. Constitution must be protected and the people have a constitutional right to seek redress from their government!...absolutely emotional plea on behalf of the American people that stirred everyone in the courtroom including the judge I do believe. Orly elicited loud applause of several occasions and the judge and his marshals did not demand order in the court! Gary Kreep also followed with a strong counter-argument to the government's case. Kreep also pointed out to the judge that the emotions that he saw from the spectators he had not seen in over 30 years as an attorney. I think the judge decided to play it safe. The gallery was "hostile" so to speak. He did't want to make the ruling right there and be booed and hissed off the bench in his own court room.

This judge is going to fold. He has taken the government's motion under submission and did not indicate when he would rule. More unnecessary delays! Plaintiff Wiley Drake in the press conference outside the court house said that those who were there witnessed the emasculation of an ex-Marine. He said that was not the Judge Carter he knew for many years!



  1. Let's pray he sleeps on it and wakes a Marine again...

  2. I believe Carter has already made his decision, and was too yellowbellied to give it today in public.

    The corruption runs deep around those connected to )0(.

    The whole thing is just a sham, and a total disgrace.

    If Carter folds tomorrow, as I feel he will, he has, imo, blood on his hands. He also leaves his family and the people of the USA a legacy to be ashamed of.

    But don't be defeated folks. The truth will out in the end - something has got to break at some point, hopefully sooner rather than later.

    Keep strong.

    (Orly supporter in the UK)


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