Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Thousands Of Patriots Turn Out At Code Red Rally
Thousands of patriots from all over the United States turned out at Code Red Rally held at Upper Senate Park in Washington DC on Tuesday December 15. The main speaker was radio host and FOX News commentator Laura Ingraham with a surprise guest appearance by Congresswoman Michele Bachmann. Other speakers included Sens. Tom Coburn (R-Okla) and Jim DeMint (R-SC).
They charged up the crowd who chanted "kill the bill" throughout the event. Following the rally, participants walked across the street to urge their senators to vote against the Democrat's Health Care Reform Bill that the majority of Americans appose.

This was the scene an hour before official start of rally

Michele Bachmann Rallies The Crowd
Kill The Bill! Kill The Bill!

Best Rally Sign

Laura Ingraham Shares Christmas Story. How The Democrats Stole Health Care. She Energized The Crowd To Continue Their Fight To Defeat Senate Health Care Bill.
Patriots who visited the senate offices were left to speak to staff aides as not one single Democrat senator was on hand, they had been summoned to the White House by Obama to discuss Health Care. Staff aides were condescending and gave the usual "the Senator appreciates your concerns" response. Well, I was privileged to visit senate offices with a feisty group of senior citizens who were having none of it. "Quit ignoring us! We pay your salaries! Tell your bosses that we will vote them out of office if they vote for this assault on the American People!" Said one fed up gentlemen.
At Olympia Snowe's office, her staffer told our group that the Senator has not yet reached a decision on how she is going to vote. Olympia Snowe is a so called Republican mind you. "Where is the senator?" One woman asked her. "Getting bought by Obama?" The staffer replied with her canned response. "I will take note of your concerns and let the Senator know how you feel." At this point a fired up elderly lady noticed that Snowe's staff had MSNBC on. "Well this explains Snowe's voting record" I said to the staffer." She very testily said "don't read anything into that." We left disgusted after she failed to respond to any of our concerns on Health Care but not before letting her know that we the people will hold Snowe and any other senator accountable for a yes vote on Health Care. It is important to note that later as we passed by Snowe's office, the channel had been changed to CSPAN.
Over at Lieberman's office, the line was a mile long to see the Senator who was missing in action after news broke that he is closer to voting yes on Senate Bill.
At Senator Nelson's office, constituents lined up to encourage the senator to keep his word on voting against bill if government funding for abortion is not take out.
At every senate office, staff aides reiterated the same old rhetoric claiming that they get an equal amount of calls and visits in support of the health care bill. "Where are they?" Tania Ashe, a patriot who had driven 14 hours to the rally asked. had touted that they were going to be at the Code Red Rally in support of the bill but they must have had a dismal showing because they were nowhere to be found. Staffers like their democratic bosses refused to acknowledge the plummeting support for the Democratic Health Care bill as seen in poll after poll and by the thousands of patriots who have shown up in DC since September to appose the bill.
One staffer who was asked by a constituent how her senator can support an unconstitutional bill that would impose fines and jail time to those who refuse to get health care, claimed that there was an amendment put in the bill that would prohibit that. To which I responded, "Please do not insult our intelligence." I belong to Team Sarah where four hundred members have taken the bill apart and read it. You cannot deceive us." Tania Ashe, also a Team Sarah member, who was fed up with being dismissed and lied to by these condescending staffers, said to her. "Show us the amendment." Exasperated the staffer agreed and disappeared through the doors leading to the back offices. She never returned. So much for backing up her statement with the facts.
Patriots who took the time from work, families and the holiday hustle and bustle, should be proud of their efforts. We showed up by the thousands to let Washington know where we stand. They have been put on notice and they will be held accountable for their actions. It's not our guns and our bibles that they should be worried about. One sign summed it up beautifully. "WE ARE ARMED AND DANGEROUS WITH OUR VOTE!"
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