Monday, December 7, 2009

December 7, 1941 A Date Which Will Live In Infamy

Pause today to remember those lost at Pearl Harbor some 68 years ago. Lives cut short for no other reason than Man's blind ambition to ascert Power one over another.

Those lost yester year would not recognize their native land today. They would recognize the wrong minded and evil ambitions of those in power and their followers, as cut of the same clothe as those whom they fought against in their epic struggle to remain free during the 1940's.

Today's December 7, sneak attack is happening in Copenhagen, Denmark. Cap and Trade, Copenhagen and the Health Care Bill, we remind ourselves for the zillionth time, are nothing but scams. What it is about, is Government Control over your life, redistributing your wealth, and the trashing of your Constitution.

Armed with junk science and with a total disregard for evidence indicating, the UN's Global Warming Scheme is based on cooked information , The First Jerk, is still ploughing full speed ahead, trying to take this country, he hates so deeply, over the Abyss. What kind of treasonous behavior is that? No look back, no second glance over the shoulder. This also begs the question as to what kind of demented society would knowingly allow this fraud be perpetuated upon itself. Apparently the costs are not high enough yet to motivate this nation to put an end to the perverse spectical known as the Obama Regime.

We have never constitutionally disolved our government, but if ever their was a case, now is that time. The "Undecideds" the "Uninformeds" and the "No Opinions" should have no problem with a new government, they can never commit to anything anyway. These sheep disguised as American citizens, have a perpetual "Do Not Disturb" sign hanging from their door knobs. We can wake them after the smoke clears or not, they matter little.

So that just leaves us the Patriots to deal with them the Obama sycophants. These cockroaches are not getting any smaller, and if we wait until 2012, they will just scurry back into their hiding places within America's woodwork, to bide their time until the next Obama shows up on the scene.

Anybody else ready?


1 comment:

  1. Steve, You are right,our country'people are sleeping,their very complacent attitude and the
    "do not disturb sign" will be knocked off their doors very shortly. The signs of tradgedy are all around us. You put it very well when you called it the [o]Bama regime,he is surrounded by a bunch of yes men and women who have less backbone than a jelly fish....who are out to try to destroy our constitution and way of life.
    We have to continue to warn them tho I agree it seems that they [alot of them] have drank the kool aide.
    It could be that the revoloution we have been trying to fight verbaly and soundly by words and warnings, going to have to be fought on our country's streets?
    this could be tragic,but it might come to that
    We all should pray that it never happens,God can still do miracles.
    Charlie from N.Y. state


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