Sunday, December 20, 2009

Ray in Texas...he gets it ...what about the rest of you? America...wake-up!

Not What Was Promised
The current Health Care Reform proposals in both houses of Congress do not meet the muster of what was promised during the 2008 campaign or when it first started. The promises were:
1. Lower the cost (bend the cost curve down) on health care.
2. Make health insurance coverage affordable and available to all.
3. Cut out waste, fraud and abuse.
4. Increase competition.

The Leftwingnut plans:

A. Increase Cost.
B. Will reduce availability by forcing people out of the practice and discourage more from entering.
C. Create a new, bigger cookie jar for those wanting to cheat.
D. Kill competition by it's very design.

So what's the point? The point is to put the system in such a dire position that all that's left is a Single Payer System that is run by and controlled by the Central Government. If the current legislation is passed it will take less than 10 years to achieve this goal of bankrupting the system, the insurance industry and force us into Single Payer by default.

This will result in a collapse of our entire economic foundation and put us on the same keel as struggling nations relying on an inflated government for existence. Whether you realize it or not if you vote for these Democratic Progressives that's exactly what you're voting for.

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