Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What Is Magical About Voting For Obamacare Before Year End

Sweating Bullets in the White House. Gotta get it done before year end. Why's that Usurper?? What's the difference between 12/31/09 and 1/1/10? If Obamacare goes through in 2010 will that screw something up? Must be some screwy hidden provisions you guys know about that hasn't been disclosed to the rest of us. Does it throw off the collection of three years premiums? Why pray tell will three years prepaid premiums need to be collected anymore, if there is no Public Option? Does this have anything to do with Deficit accounting? How awkward to announce a bigger 2010 deficit than originally predicted with the Mid Term elections looming. I know, it's hard fundamentally changing America from a Democratic Republic to a Marxist Banana Republic.

If Obamacare was about a Public Option to provide insurance to the uninsured, what would now be the purpose of Obamacare now that the Public Option has been dropped. Onerous Regulations. Bureaucrats added to Big Government and the new layers of controls placed on the private insurance companies. Putting your private records into the hands of not just your doctors, but to the overseers and whomever they leak this information . Higher and higher premiums for you. One more large Cloward and Piven stone on the back of the white oppressor economy. They will destroy the Private Insurance industry, it will be regulatory forced to price itself beyond consumer reach, then the government can step in with some consumer protection law to federalize the industry. No Tort Reform, No Interstate Competition, No Lowering of Malpractice Insurance, No Reduction For Defensive Medical Practices.

I wonder how many of these new federal oversight jobs are going to be in the $170,000 pay range? Who do you think will be hired into these jobs? Already Obama has the average federal job paying $71,000 while we in the private sector earn an average of $40,000. Look for Obama to widen the pay gap. The Public Option was only one way of Redistributing The Wealth.

Just think if all of this had been on CSPAN like was promised, there would be no room to question the veracity of the process. If the Democrats had not locked out the Republicans, we would at least had an across the aisle perspective of what was in the 2000 plus pages of this monstrosity.

We know enough to realize there is danger near. Our natural instincts have alerted us to be ready to flee or fight.


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