Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ridiculous...USURPER picks up 7 points in less than a week?

1 comment:

  1. It is actually not what's in the polls,IT'S WHAT'S IN OUR HEARTS!! and what we know [o]dummy has got to go and WILL shortly.
    I like most of us am aware of the tyrannical things that are all around us.We know to put it
    mildly our country has been taking a little so to speak[nap] BUT AMERICA THE SLEEPING GIANT IS WAKING UP!
    When all this turmoil is over and we reflect back on the fight we had to turn America around,
    our founding fathers visionary heart of love for freedom and liberty will be restored and the American Eagle will SOAR AGAIN.and this,because our GOD is behind us!
    Awhile back,I sent in an article entitled:
    Romans Chapter 13,it would be a source of encouragement to you to re read it if you have time,it will bring a sense of stability and purpose into all of this.
    Remember,we are on the victory side too.
    Have a blessed Christmas all! Charlie from central N.Y.


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