Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Business Before Pleasure

No long after the fall of the Berlin wall and the lifting of the Iron Curtain, a Polish citizen was asked by a visitor if Poland was attacked from both sides, as she was in 1939 by Russia and Germany, who would the Poles fight first ?

Now take into consideration Poland was crushed in war initially by Germany and Russia, then recrushed by Germany alone. After the war they were thrown into chains by Communist Russia which harbored centuries of pent up hatred for Poland.

The Polish citizen pondering all of these thoughts, answered "Poland would fight Germany first, I'm absolutely sure of it." "How can you be so sure of your answer?" questioned the curious visitor.

"Simple because in Poland we always take care of business before pleasure."

In order to clean up the toxic political landscape in America, we must prioritize. The first order of business must be to rid ourselves of the insanity that calls itself the Liberal Left. The most extreme of these extremists in my opinion don't even belong in the country. Their aim is to take down our nation, and rebuild a completely different society. I give you exhibit one, Cass Sunstein. Take any in the Obama regime, including the head man, and I'll show you traitor.

Are the Republicans much better? Somewhat but not really. Not only have they acted in their own special interest, perhaps they've been slightly better at disguising their own corrupt behavior. Personally any and all who have abetted the crime Obama has perpetrated by Usurping the Presidency should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Leniency later should only be considered in the future if they act now, and investigate Obama.

For now we use these corrupt politicians like rented mules. We can hold their feet to the fire until November 2 and the next couple election cycles for the rest, but we will see justice served in this land.



  1. Steve,It seems we can almost feel it in the air all around us,You said it right in your last line
    "We will see justice served in America".
    We all know the voices of the people WILL BE HEARD! Our country's foundation will stand!
    That being "OUR CONSTITUTION"!
    I think after all this garbage politicking is over,we HAVE TO,get back to it's original intent
    and turn around all the liberal decisions to keep the GOD of the Constitutional founding fathers out of it and get back to our founding doctrine's and live by them.
    [IT] will only be the way to assure this present
    situation does NOT happen again.
    THIS should be the lesson we all learn from this
    The promise of 2 Chronicles 7:14 needs to be adhered to,I'm not gonna preah but just to remind folks of what it says:
    "If my people,who are called by my name,shall humble themselves and pray,and seek my face,and turn from their wicked ways,then I will hear from heaven,and will forgive their sin,and will heal their land" talk about getting down to bussiness? in this article,"Business before Pleasure".
    This folks should be a priority for America.
    please note, this is not denominational or religious thing, This IS God's promise to ALL of us.
    And we need it more than the air that we breathe
    Charlie,from central N.Y. state

  2. Let them with ears, listen Let them with eyes see


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