Sunday, January 31, 2010

Add Wisconsin

Another senate race to keep an eye on is the once considered safe Wisconsin Senate seat of Russ Feingold. Currently Feingold trails by 4 percentage points behind challenger Tommy Thompson (R) 47% to 43%

In Indiana Congressman Mike Pence (R) has denied he will run against Senate Incumbent Evan Bayh (D) even though polls show Pence would win handily.

Strategically this is a mistake. In the overall scheme 1 senate vote can often make a difference. Ask Scott Brown. Pence imo has aspirations for the White House in 2012 which may play a role in his viewpoint of the 2010 senate seat.

Apparently Joe Lieberman(I) is considering crossing over to the Republicans. Joe's a nice guy and all, but gosh wasn't Joe the 60th vote on so many of the critical ObamaCare December votes, including a vote to say the whole concept was Constitutional when it isn't. I think I might tell Joe to stay an (I) but if he wanted to vote with the Republicans he could. Sometimes stink just doesn't wash off and Joe you stink.

As a side note let me reemphasis I do not hold many Republicans in much higher regard than marxist/democrats who have voted Obama's agenda. Or have turned a blind eye to the eligibility issue. What I am advocating is the replacement as fast as possible by men and women of integrity of the ones that need to go. The Republican party integrity is hanging by a thread with the American populous. The Democrats are the walking dead. We want honest representation, constitutional adherence, smaller government, and we demand our personal freedoms.

Which individual candidates will stick to those principles time will reveal, but those who will not must be removed by recall or voted out. That is my position.


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