Sunday, January 17, 2010

Calling All patriots!...

The USURPER recently "pep talked" Congress with a series of heroic-sounding and disingenuous platitudes. EX. "It's been tough..." "Remember why each of us got into public service..." "We found something worth fighting for..."

As Congress, numerous states and now the unions cut deals to dodge the fallout of the healthcare fiasco, let's remind Congress they got into public service to take care of us, not be bullied by three out of touch politicians.

We can beat this bill. Calls have slacked off; Congressmen/women are getting tired of being pushed around by BHO; the deals are dirty even by DC standards and the politicians are afraid. NOW IS THE TIME TO CALL!


"There is nothing noble about the healthcare bill. The USURPER cares little about us and less about you. Please remember, you got into public service to serve the people, not the President. We will vote for the people who show they care about us."

Call your Senator:

Call your Representative:


WE NEED YOUR HELP! There is momentum to win Kennedy’s seat to a conservative in Massachusetts.

To volunteer:

If you are available to volunteer in person between NOW and January 19th please CLICK HERE to fill out the online application. Once the campaign has received your information someone will contact you with further information.

To call from anywhere in the US:

Can't make it to Massachusetts? You can still help Scott by making FREE calls from your home. To sign up please visit their website:

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