Thursday, January 21, 2010

Demand Smaller Government Payroll

One of Obama's modus operandi is coalition building based on the Union model. He has started a new coalition since landing in the White House.

He has taken advantage of the down economy by creating government jobs as a source of employment. He may as well call it the New Acorn, or SEIU in Government Gray.
These new government job holders are being hired more for their party affiliation than any special job qualification.

The pay has been lavishly increased (Refer back to my article where the average government worker now makes $113,000 per year x 3,000,000 person government workforce) and just as the Union Bosses have ridiculous pay scales for their workers, Obama is doing that to us, with our own tax dollars.

Obama will be able to count on these sycphants in any future elections.

When the average American worker earns $40,000 base pay plus $7,000 in benefits, to lavish the federal workforce at a rate of 250% higher than the rest of us, for political gain is criminal. It's nothing less than racketeering.


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