Tuesday, January 19, 2010


You mean, he wasn’t a closet gay? He wasn’t a conniving con? He wasn’t a pedophile? He wasn’t posing for a porn magazine and didn’t pay for sex?

The left is digging to China to find dirt on Scott Brown

By Dr. Laurie Roth Monday, January 18, 2010 CanadaFreePress

I couldn’t believe my eyes watching CNN news this morning as they proudly were digging up the mother load story on Scott Brown. Horror of horrors, we find, magically revealed right during the final voting hours that he was a model and posed back in 1984 mostly nude for Barstool Sports, a free Boston-based newspaper. Brown was later featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine. By the way, he was and is a cutie.

This was not a secret then by his colleagues at Boston College Law School. They remember his 1982 photo-shoot as fun and light hearted. He used the money to help pay his way through law school.

Is that all the desperate leftists could find is a 25 year old photo shoot when Scott Brown did modeling to help pay his way through school? You mean, he wasn’t a closet gay? He wasn’t a conniving con? He wasn’t a pedophile? He wasn’t posing for a porn magazine and didn’t pay for sex? He wasn’t cheating on all his tests and stealing pens out of the office drawers?

All the desperate, leftist liberals have is a 25 year old photo shoot of him modeling briefs? I’m sorry. Seek therapy because this very competent Senator out of Massachusetts never hid his past. He never said he was perfect either if you think what he did was wrong. He is the real deal and a servant of the people. He is already loved as a public servant representing the District of Norfolk, Bristol and Middlesex Massachusetts.

It always fascinates me that the very people who dare to bring this ancient photo shoot up about Scott Brown now are the very people who would run in and out of Gay bath houses, sleep with everyone and everything that moves, reinvent new types of porn, lie cheat and steal…..and we have to be bored with a 25 year old photo shoot that shows almost all of a handsome body and NOT his privates? Wow! Whooptie Doo.

Yes, I would say it is time for the Democrats to seek therapy and start stuffing the health care bill down the toilet in the Senate and House. They will need inpatient treatment by the time the Mid terms show up. Gee, maybe there can be some more former models elected. I modeled once for Popular Mechanics….I suppose that doesn’t count.

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