Saturday, May 22, 2010

Here's A Plan For Immigration/Illegal Immigration Reform.

"Comprehensive reform means accountability for everybody -- a government that is accountable for securing the border, businesses being held accountable when they exploit workers, people who break the law by breaching our borders being held accountable by paying taxes and a penalty and getting right with the law before they can earn their citizenship,"

Barack Obama


We know the reason Obama and the Commucrats want to grant amnesty and put the illegal immigrants on the fast track to citizenship.

This is a process we must not lose the fight on. If we do, we will be surrendering America to the Left and giving away ou nation to any outsider who walks across our border. It will be only a matter of time and indoctrination that these new “citizens” will be voting for every welfare program,entitlement hand out and porkified candidate. Amnesty Obama style is a direct function equal to the speed of the collapsing America. The greater the numbers of illegals, the faster the collapse.
Even if Obama was the legal president, no American president or government has the right or power to give America away.

You are being propagandized into accepting the concept that the only resolution to the 12 million illegals, is to grant them amnesty. To "solve" the illegal immigration problem, you are going to be asked to accept X, in order to keep Y. They have no right ask either. This is no unsurmountable problem, Obama would have you believe it is though.

After the Korean War President Eisenhower ordered the deportation of all illegals so the retuning GI's had a better chance to find a job. This effort to round up the people here illegally was accomplished in under a year. Today if you assigned 100,000policemen the task of detaining one illegal each per day for a month, they would gather 3,000,000 illegals in that time frame. In 4 months we could put a serious dent in the law breakers who are not supposed to be here. I doubt if Mexico would be able to support such a sudden influx of their citizens being deported back to their homeland. We could set up detention farms for the detainees to work in order to feed themselves while awaiting deportation.

The people from Mexico have zero interest in becoming patriotic citizens of America. The only zeal they have for our country, is what they can get from us. If there was such a zeal to be Americans, they would propose tearing up their Mexican constitution, and plead their case to join us as a State. Look at the demonstrations, Mexican flags, reconquesta chants, claims that many of our lands belong to Mexico,prior to being stolen by the gringos del norte.

Texas was under 7 different flags. Mexico was Incan before it was Mexico. Land belongs to whoever is strong enough to stand on it. If it bothers these people or any other nation, so much, then they can try to take it from us. (which is what they are actually attempting to do).

It is unconscionable to establish an amnesty program when we have 15,000,000 Americans unemployed and unable to find jobs. The jobs the Illegals take, Obama and his kind would deceive you into believing, are jobs Americans won't take. Again these are half truths, and lies. Americans will not take jobs that are paid at illegal wage levels. Americans will use technology to perform the dull, dirty, or dangerous jobs when ever possible. The menial work is usually the domain of the starter worker, and those with low ambitions, or mental capacity. This is not meant to demean, just state a fact of life.

We have an immigration policy already in place. We allow 3,000,000 people every year, from around the world, to enter our country. Many of these become citizens after 5 years. This policy needs to be reformed as well. We need to look to the needs of the citizens here already, before we add an annual 3,000,000 newcomers every year. Some of these people are highly trained, or skilled in their professions, but there is more to it than that, we don't need any more Time Square bombers, or MD's who are jihadists as was the case in the UK.

With respect to Mexico and Latin America, if we have a “guest worker” program, then we need to set up some very stringent policies. Before we do establish such a program, the border(s) must be secure.

Here are some thoughts as to where the rules should begin:

A) No citizenship status or path to citizenship will be granted to guest workers.
B) Guest workers will only be granted an 18 month lifetime work visa.
C)Citizenship status granted to anchor babies, will be revoked retroactive to 1989 (includes offspring.) Only those now 21 or older will be exempted from citizenship revocation.
D)All guest workers must have criminal and medical background checks.
E) Guest workers may not bring family members with them.
F) Employers of guest workers must prepay for medical insurance
G) Guest workers must have a prepaid personal umbrella liability insurance
H)Guest workers will not be covered by Social Security or pay into it.
I)Federal Taxes will be withheld
J) Accepting cash payment for work, is a felony. Wages can only be paid by check.
K)Guest workers can not buy real property. (real estate) Housing must be rented.
L) Guest workers can not own or operate a business as an owner/employer. They must only be wage earner employees.

Our guest worker program needs to be tied to our unemployment rate. Full employment is considered achieved when only 4% of our workers are looking for jobs. We have 155 million workers, at 10% unemployment we have 15.5 million out of work.

We should set a limit of 4% of our work force as the maximum guest worker permits we will issue. That would be 1.5 million permits for each percent. These permits would be subject to revocation during bad economic times. If unemployment goes to 6 % then 3,000,000 guest worker permits would be revoked, starting with the oldest issued guest worker permits. If we have 8% unemployment all guest worker permits would be revoked. Our legal immigration policy should be tied to the unemployment rate as well.

Obama mentions current employers as complicit and punishable for the illegal immigration problem. What about the America relatives of the illegals. The “citizens” who shelter their Mexican cousins or friends under their roofs. Are these not every bit the felons as the unscrupulous employers? Shouldn't both be subject to punishment?

How do we disincentivize breaking the law by crossing into America illegally. Catch and release is not the answer. There must be a cost to the illegal, to make him want to not enter the wrong way. Detention centers such as a work farm or factory, would solve that problem. Any person illegally entering would be sent to said facility, to work without pay for six months. The production from the facility would be used to pay the expense of detention. Any person so detained would forever not be allowed to obtain a guest worker visa. As an incentive to perform the work 10% of the detainees would be eligible to get a guest worker permit, if all other requirements are met.

The brown activists accuse the Right of not having a plan for comprehensive reform, here's one, but I don't think this is what they have in mind.


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