Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Makes you want to cry...

Arlen Specter warns of tea party 'take over'

As voters considered his fate throughout Pennsylvania, Sen. Arlen Specter warned on Tuesday that without him Democrats may not be able to fend off a tea party "takeover."

"What you see happening across the country is that the tea party organization has taken over," Specter said in an interview with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell.

"We know what happened to [Sen. Bob] Bennett [R-Utah], what happened to [Florida GOP Gov. Charlie] Crist," Specter said.

"They drove him out of the Republican Party," Specter said of Crist, now running for the Senate as an independent in Florida.

Specter fled the Republican Party after polls showed the conservative grass-roots support behind former Rep. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) would likely be enough to propel him to a primary win over the longtime senator.

Specter has acknowledged he switched to the Democratic Party at least in part to stand a better chance of preserving his seat. But on Tuesday he suggested that he had changed to remain one of the only men standing in front of a tea party revolution.

"If we're not careful, if you don't field the strongest candidate - frankly, like Arlen Specter - they're going to take over," Specter said of the tea parties. "Beating the tea party gang is more important than who does the beating."

"They want to go back to the gold standard," he added. "It'd be an 18th-century America."

1 comment:

  1. How about a little graditude specter. You lost for many reason and it wasn't only the Tea Party.

    Now that you are leaving how about doing one last thing for the state of PA and the legal citizens of the United States. And start a investigation on the offer by the WH on a job for Sestak


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