Thursday, July 1, 2010

I Got These Here Eagles By The Short Feathers

Today's speech by Obama, on his call for "Immigration Reform" was full of half truths and mistatement of the facts. If you listened to Limbaugh earlier today, he went through the littany of lies being spouted off by Obama.

Obama rivals The Kingfish-Huey P. Long of Louisana for extolling the most outrageous deceit. Long should take a far back seat to Obama, because H.P,L. did it to a single state, Obama is trying to do it to 57 states. Wait that's the count of the Arab League. If we count the State of Israel, we could say our 50 plus them, makes 51. For government work let's just say the number is somewhere in the 50's.

As far as the "Immigration Policy" of the US, it seems to be working fairly well. I think the 14th Amendment should be tightened up to exclude anchor baby citizenship status. Letting in 3,000.000 registered aliens each year seems a little high due to the current economic climate . Congress after November '10 should fix that, but if it gets past the Senate, The Usurper of No Way, will veto it and most other Republican do overs. But wait that isn't the Immigration Reform Obama is talking about, he wants to reform Illegal Immigration. Ohhhhhh, well then that's a differnt matter altogether. The One almost had me sucked into another one of his half truths. Man that was a close one.

What we are really talking about is pardoning 12,000,000 criminals so future ballot boxes can be stuffed with commucrat votes. Well two can play that game, I think the Repubs should go get the Chinese and bring them in by the boatload. If they're too busy, lets just swing over to India. If this is about a Political Party pissing contest to see who can piss the longest, and run America into the ground the fastest, I'd say lets go for broke. This isn't about that though, not from the perspective of the citizens of the Right Wing. It is with the so called "citizens" of the Left Wing.

We on the Right want to pass on America to future generations. We don't want to pass on some hy-brid nation with no defined borders, inhabited by anyone that can trapese in irregardless of our laws. Obama is fast tracking us into revolt. Armed revolt.

Obama thinks he has us by the short feathers on the issue of Illegal Immigration. He'll keep the fences down, as long as his comprehensive plan gets rejected. If his plan gets approved he won't need to fix any fences because the Illegal legals will vote against any thing that doesn't include a bus ticket from Mexico City to Anywhere, USA.

However, and there always is a however, we can deputize ourselves in the various states, arrest the illegals and detain them indefinitely or two years and or until Obama is ousted which ever comes first.

Now just who has who by the pelotas?


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