Saturday, April 30, 2011


Time to Pull The Cloak of Invisibility Off Of Black Conservatives.
*    Posted by Lloyd Marcus
<>  on April 30, 2011 at

CNN traveled with us on Tea Party Express, to approximately 40 rallies
nationwide. I, a black conservative, opened each rally singing my "American
Tea Party Anthem". And yet, not I nor any of the other blacks on our team
were seen in the CNN documentary; thus, causing viewers to conclude the Tea
Party Movement
is a "white thing".

For the most part, the liberal media ignores black conservatives. And when
they do interview one of us, it is from a, "Can you believe this stupid
Uncle Tom," point of view.

Unfortunately, conservative media and most tea party organizers do not seem
to grasp the strategic wisdom in featuring and supporting black

Brothers and sisters, the Left is exploiting Obama's skin color for
everything it is worth. Their guy in the indestructible black coat of armor
is making all of their liberal dreams come true; usurping more power than
any "white" president could imagine in his wildest dreams.

You can't say "no" to Obama. He's black! All opposition is racist. Folks,
the left is fighting to win, working the "black thing" to the hilt. We can
not afford to leave our black weapons of mass influence on the sidelines.

Our economy is an unprecedented disaster. Pundits are saying under "normal
conditions" the president would be fired. However, they believe Obama will
be re-elected. "Normal conditions" means if the president was white. In
other words, pundits believe Obama's black skin is the ultimate trump card
deflating all opposition to his systematic destruction of America.

Patriots, a second Obama term is the end of America as we know it.

Meanwhile, black conservatives are giving it their all, tirelessly fighting
to defeat Obama; for the most part, in anonymity.

We have many great black conservatives on our side. They should be featured
front and center at our rallies, TV shows, radio shows and etc; not for the
sake of black conservatives, but in defense of our Tea Party Movement.

Here's how a black radio talk show host began his interview with me, "If
they (meaning white tea partiers) want to attract black people, the least
credible thing they could do is to stick a black guy out front wearing a
cowboy hat (meaning me)".

I wanted to say, "Screw you and end the interview". But, a still small voice
in my brain said,
"Hang in the there". I boldly espoused conservative principles. His
scheduled 10 minute radio interview with me went for 30 minutes. Remarkably,
every caller into the program agreed with me. Praise god! Folks, we have got
to take our message to the black community.

Also, funding should be targeted to take our Tea Party message to the black
community. Seasoned politicians say nothing gets votes like going to the
people; knocking on doors and showing up at community events.

Obama and his minions including the liberal media continue to lie about the
intentions of the tea party. In a soon to be released book, Obama says the
tea party is motivated by race. It's time we go to the black community and
tell our side of the story, the truth. Let black America know the tea party
has nothing to do with race and everything to do with preserving our
freedom, liberty and culture.

I am trying to launch a mini tour to black colleges titled, "Reach Your
Dreams". The message of my rallies targeted to black youths is, "The best
route to reaching your dreams is conservatism". The rallies will feature
mostly black conservative speakers including a few black conservative
rappers. I will emcee, speak and sing. I need sponsorship.

Two of my buddies, Joe the Plumber and Kevin Jackson have launched their
tour designed to deal with the "race" issue. Please support them folks
financially and with your presence at their events. Again, not for them, but
for America.

Black conservatives should be flying all over the country speaking,
performing and singing at tea party events.

Patriots, please do not think I am whining or asking you to feel sorry for
black conservatives. Heaven forbid, I am not. All I am saying is the Left is
exploiting Obama's race "big time", destroying America, while aggressively
pounding the drum more than ever that the Tea Party is racist. Meanwhile, we
have powerful black resources not being maximized.

Black Conservatives are valiantly fighting along side our fellow white
patriots in the Tea Party Movement. It is time to rip away the cloak of

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

"Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama 2012". Please join us!
Please sign and encourage your friends to sign this petition at

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