Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Miss Tickly AKA TerriK Speaks Out...

Via Miss Tickly:

"Before she would do so, Fukino said, she wanted to inspect the files — and did so, taking with her the state official in charge of vital records. She found the original birth record, properly numbered, half typed and half handwritten, and signed by the doctor who delivered Obama, located in the files. She then put out a public statement asserting to the document's validity."

I want to see THIS record, the one that is 'half handwritten' and "properly numbered" – not this completely typewritten one that shows a cert number that is higher than the Nordyke BCs which were filed and accepted three days after Obama's.

That said, let's take this bc at face value – So...Obama allowed a soldier to go to prison and let taxpayer's foot the bill for no GD reason?

Sick. He's unfit. He's scum and he does not have the 'stuff' to lead this nation. Frankly, they show throw his ass in prison for six months, POS.

I'd rather Obama was born in Kenya so I could understand his horrific, unforgivable behavior.

The people cannot accept this bc – fake or real – because it does not explain the last three years. It's not that we won't accept it, we cannot. Who could make sense of the damage Obama wreaked IF it is genuine. No thinking human being with a heart and soul could possibly make sense of it.

The money, time, resources, emotion, unity...all cost our nation dearly. Purposeful division from our supposed 'leader'--puke.

...Even taxpaying Obots lost out on this one.

Obama is a sad man. How he could smile as he released this image is just beyond the understanding of anyone with any sensitivity. This pig doesn't care about his own soldiers. Wow.

There is something seriously fucking wrong with him.

Talk about batshit nutty – truer words could not describe Obama's actions. I guess in his mind, this serves absolutely no one..but himself. Yuck.

Miss Tickly

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