Thursday, May 31, 2012

Lord Christopher Monckton explains the fraud perpetrated on the American people.

Lord Christopher Monckton and Author Tom Ballantyne Speak in Ventura County on "Obama" Eligibility, Global Warming

Lord Monckton analyzes mock-up of most famous "birth certificate" everLord Christopher Monckton explains the fraud perpetrated on the American people.

- Lord Monckton reinforces, hammers home "Obama" birth document fraud
- Author Tom Ballantyne emphasizes media and officials' role in the cover up and erosion of rule of law.
- Lord Monckton summarizes case against Manmade Global Warming

More photos: starting HERE and HERE. Video still being edited,

Attendees speak out:
- I was on the fence over this birth certificate stuff, but now I see what you're talking about-- R.S.
- That was amazing- R.R.
- I don't see how he could get away with that-- S.R.
- It was really excellent but the abortion thing was too muck-S.K
attendees: send us your thoughts

That should be enough to make green, liberal heads explode.

The Lord Monckton entourage swept into town yesterday, starting with a late lunch at Fin’s Restaurant in Westlake, taking an unplanned side trip to visit the Ronald Reagan memorial, then over to the event site, at scenic Eden Gardens, in Moorpark.  Yours truly had to leave early to assist the other commoners in setting up for the meeting.
Article II SuperPAC board member Gary Wilmott asked me what I thought about having Lord Monckton speak to us. I said what month did he have in mind?  He said- how about this Wednesday-- an unplanned one-day extension of the U.S. tour? We sealed the deal on Memorial Day, so it was pretty short notice, even for us-- one business day.  Based on a previous membership vote to hold an eligibility event, we went for it. The event was sponsored by Ventura County Tea Party, and Article II SuperPAC. Gary Laconis funded and managed the national tour.

"Obama" Eligibility
This is a multifaceted issue. Lord Monckton has mainly delved into the document fraud issue, so far, in his inimitable style, incorporating research, logic, coupled with effective communication/presentation, with wit and elan.  It was clear to anyone with knowledge of legal issues that he is not up to date on all aspects of natural born Citizenship issues and litigation efforts yet, although I'm betting he will be.

The bottom line is that the USA elected an ineligible “President” and this cannot ever be permitted to occur again. This was done under false pretenses, but people in power and the media had enough information to legitimately question it at the time, but flatly refused to. The mission of the tour was to widely communicate that message. Author Tom Ballantyne outlined some of the media role in perpetrating the fraud and the effect this is having on the country, in undermining the rule of law.
Obama "Proofers" or "Eligibility Challengers," as we prefer to be called, are alive and well in VC, although outnumbered by Liberals and cowardly Republicans who will not act, for varying reasons, some of which are canny political calculations. 

Author/Political Activist Tom Ballantyne outlines fading rule of law, politicians and media which helped accomplish that
Author and political activist Tom Ballantyne addressing Ventura County Tea Party

Author Tom Ballantyne led off, discussing “media” complicity in a continuing enablement of Obama’s election fraud and other offenses. He concentrated on so-called Conservative media doing so, naming names and describing the disastrous effect this has had. It’s more difficult to criticize Progressive media for doing this when your own presumed allies are doing it even worse. He also mentioned the complicit role of statist politicians on both sides of the aisle.
We asked Lord Monckton, the world’s leading debunker (not just “denier”) of the man-made global warming fraud, to focus on the “Obama” (in quotes, because it might not even be his legal name) eligibility issue. For those of you who don’t know, he is a brilliant man, not just  “born to the manor,” but an accomplished businessman, architect, inventor and even advisor to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. So, when he took up the Global Warming debunking course, it was a well-planned, well-executed, logical  and well-communicated counterattack. Now, it looks like he’s doing the same thing with eligibility. He also did an excellent summary of the anti man-made Global Warming fraud efforts.

Lord Monckton on Obama eligibility & Global Warming, May 30, 2012
Lord Monckton addresses Ventura County Tea Party

Monckton expressed amazement that this fraud has been perpetrated so long, mentioned that foreign officials are sniggering over it, wondering when it will be resolved and who will have the courage to do so. He mentioned that birth records are public record in Great Britain- everyone can see them and this nonsense never would have occurred, if we did the same.  It defies logic that "Obama" would refuse to release information exonerating him, if everything was on the up and up.  Hawaii has been playing games. There is no way the info on file can agree with the forgery on the web site, which is a felony in itself. He thinks we know who did it, but Obama is complicit in representing it as a true document-- he now "owns" it. The forged and withheld documents and conflicting statements are very damning.  This is a CONSTITUTIONAL issue, not a political issue, not a racial issue, not a religious issue.  It's Constitutional and the rule of law is at stake. Whether you like Obama, his politics and beliefs or not, the issue must be looked at and acted upon on its merits.

Monckton pointed out the numerous digital document anomalies/artifacts, demonstrating that the document was a fraud, could not have been scanned from a hard copy. Even if it was, there is massive, irrefutable evidence of manipulation kerned letters, mixed fonts, edited pixels, etc.  He didn't even point out all the discrepancies I have seen in reports by the Arpaio "Cold Case Posse," reports by Doug Vogt, Paul Irey and others. But, corroboration of others' work hammers more new nails into "Obama's" political coffin.

It was pointed out by some that Obama's foreign father alone means he isn't a natural born citizen, per the Minor v Happersett Supreme Court ruling and hundreds of years of settled law and more.

So, was any of this news?  To me, who's tracked this for four years-- no. But for millions who haven't, it's VERY big news, broadcast from the bully pulpit of a very high visibility figure.  It's news that a very high profile international political activist has researched this, conferred with others, concurred and gone all-in to support us. He  told us last night that Great Britain has an interest in preserving a free America, quite the opposite of another British-born citizen, one "AKA "Barack Hussein Obama."
Also news is that still more high profile people are coming over to our side-- even after being nearly Alinsky-ed to death- criticized, mocked, demonized, slandered libeled, etc. In addition to Monckton, we have Trump back again, Michael Savage and others.  Mitt Romney has not attempted to muzzle Trump, even though they campaign together-- not in synch with the Republican program to date.  Both Monckton and Trump are more than a match for media personalities who attempt to best them, although Trump clearly hasn't done all his homework.  Even Mark Levin showed an uncharacteristic sympathy for proofers this week.

Reporter Mike Harris of the Ventura County Star attended and told me an article will come out the afternoon of May 31.  He was amused by my comment bemoaning opponents' attempts to paint us as "Knuckle-dragging, gun-toting, bible-clinging, wingnut, racist teabaggers." Well, the gun-toting, bible-clinging part is right anyway, and we're proud of it!

For readers who crave more info on this topic, we have more on this site,but it isn't our man focus. For more, try and Article II SuperPAC, other event sponsors, as well as Obama Release Your Records There are lots more, but these will get you started. 

For opposition material, see The Ventura County Star, LA Times, WaPo, Obama Conspiracy and Native Born Citizen. It's good to hone your arguments via studying both sides. May the truth prevail.

Star Article 5/31:

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