Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury, to discuss the issue furthermore.
What do you think about the timing of the US announcement of the death of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden?

Roberts: Well Obama was very unpopular. The right wing has a big issue out of … claims that he was not an American citizen so we had the problem of his birth certificate. So he faced the possibility that his own party would not re-nominate him for a second term, that he would be faced with a competitor for the nomination and that the money that he takes to finance the campaigning would go to the competitor. So the purpose of this killing of bin Laden was to show that Obama was a very much tough American guy, not a Muslim; the only person who was able to hunt down and kill the most dangerous man on earth. So it was all political theatre.

It's well known in American intelligence community that bin Laden died in 2001.... prior to 9/11, bin Laden was still an American agent. He was created by the Americans to fight Soviets in Afghanistan. So it's well known that he has been dead almost ten years....the American public doesn't pay any attention to anything and so they are very easy to deceive.

The announcement that the US government said al-Qaeda is going to have revenge, is just the United States government telling another lie. Al-Qaeda leader, if it exists, has known for ten years that bin Laden is dead. Al-Qaeda isn't fooled. They know that bin Laden wasn't killed in Pakistan by navy SEALs. So what happens to the White House story is they have had to change it so much. The story did not last 48 hours.

The initial story was that there was a firefight with heroic navy SEALs fighting al-Qaeda and busting in bin Laden who hid his wife and was killed by the SEALs while he was firing away his weapon. That was the initial story. Also part of the initial story was that Obama and his entire government watched a live TV from cameras on the SEALs helmet [during] the entire operation.
The White House then announced that there was no firefight. They announced that that bin Laden's wife was not killed. They announced that bin Laden was not armed. He had no weapons and they announced there was no tape of the live firefight and that at the White House they didn't see anything of the operation.

There are actually other agendas that are being served by the story....the story is a lie, it is a fake, orchestrated story to serve several agendas. The main aim is President Obama's re-election but other events are also served, such as torture. Because they now claim that they found bin Laden because they tortured people.

Another one is Pakistan. They have blamed Pakistan for hiding bin Laden so the Americans may take over Pakistan. Another is that they are setting up a false flag attack on the United States so they can start another war....

1 comment:

  1. There is a ring of truth to this story, but you have to keep in mind one thing.

    Paul Craig Roberts used to be on our side and he has gone so far out into left field that he can't even be considered sane anymore. If you don't believe me, check out what he said fifteen years ago and how since then he has turned into a raving maniac. Look up his writings. They will confirm what i've said. He's a nut.


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