Saturday, June 2, 2012


Real problems for Soetoro aka Obama.
1. Even though as a child he does not have the authority or presence of mind to be able to renounce his own citizenship, his mother however, does, and it appears that's what she did. As a prerequisite of Indonesian citizenship (absolutely necessary in order to attend Angka Nilai School) there was to be a formal renouncement of US citizenship by a guardian or parent, and that is exactly what Ann Dunham did when she took little Barry off of her American Passport. That act was then followed by Lolo formally changing Barack's name to Barry "Soebarkah" Soetoro. 

2. In order for Barry Soetoro, traveling now as an Indonesian citizen on an Indonesian passport, to immigrate to the United States for the express purpose of re-patriation, he would have ABSOLUTELY been Naturalized: THUS LOSING HIS "NATURAL BORN CITIZEN" status!

3. A third scenario: having failed to re-patriate, and instead choosing to retain Indonesian citizenship on a now expired visa, Barry Soetoro is NOT an Naturalized Citizen, and is instead, an illegal alien.

4. Having had his name legally changed to Barry Soebarkah Soetoro, by his new legal guardian and step-father Lolo Soetoro, there now exists NO documentary evidence, whatsoever, that Barry ever undertook the legal steps necessary to have his name changed to Barack Hussein Obama II. As a consequence, EVERYTHING that he has signed "Barack Obama" on or to, is-as a matter of base law-null and void.

5. This is an official Indonesian government vital statistics document.
None of these obvious scenarios is good for the Usurper...


  1. The way to find out whether Obama was ever an Indonesian Citizen is to call up the Indonesian Embassy in Washington and ASK. The answer, you will find, is that he never ever was, nor did he have an Indonesian passport.

    There was an unsigned school application that CLAIMS on it that Obama was an Indonesian citizen. But, ask yourself, do people ever lie to get their children into the right schools? Do clerks who face a quota of entering Indonesian citizens ever lie about the citizenship of the applicants?

    The bottom line is that you can call up the Indonesian government at the Indonesian Embassy in Washington, and you will find that Obama was never a citizen of Indonesia.

  2. "There was an unsigned school application that CLAIMS on it that Obama was an Indonesian citizen. But, ask yourself, do people ever lie to get their children into the right schools? Do clerks who face a quota of entering Indonesian citizens ever lie about the citizenship of the applicants?"

    Baseless conjecture and supposition on your part. There is NO way that Soetoro aka OBama was able to travel out of Indonesia to Hawaii on anything else but an Indonesian issued passport and visa. Ann Dunham had already removed Barry from her own US passport and there exists NO documentary evidence WHATSOEVER that Soetoro aka Obama submitted to the US customs authorities upon arriving at the Port of Honolulu for the express purpose of re-claiming his dormant US citizenship through Naturalization.
    On your last point, "...Obama was never a citizen of Indonesia." I do concede that point. Because "Barack Hussein Obama II" WAS never a citizen of Indonesia, but Barry "Soebarkah" Soetoro most definitely WAS and still IS.
    Author: "Real problems for Soetoro aka Obama"

  3. Do you really think that Obama has not covered that angle with the Indonesian Gov't...say for some extra cashish in the foreign aid???
    Apparently Naivete is amongst you fortes..........

  4. I really believe that if Obama had ever become a citizen of Indonesia the Indonesian government would say so because if it didn't someone in Indonesia would find out about it. Neither the Indonesian government, nor anyone in Indonesia has ever said that Obama was an Indonesian citizen.

    If Obama were an Indonesian citizen, back when he was only a best-selling writer making millions off of his book, Indonesia would have sent him a tax bill. The notion that Obama was an Indonesian citizen is another example of birther nuttiness.

  5. Re: "There is NO way that Soetoro aka OBama was able to travel out of Indonesia to Hawaii on anything else but an Indonesian issued passport and visa."

    Actually the reverse holds. There is no way that Obama could have traveled from Indonesia to Hawaii alone (as he did) to go to high school without a US passport or a US visa on a foreign passport. If the had used a foreign passport, there would have been a record of him applying for a US visa in Jakarta--and there is no such record. He received a US passport, his own US passport, and that is what he traveled on.

  6. "Do you really think that Obama has not covered that angle with the Indonesian Gov't...say for some extra cashish in the foreign aid???"

    Are you on hashish? Listen lackwit, your understanding of this issue is simplistic and your psyche is sophomoric. By proffering the possibility that Soetoro aka Obama aka Shabazz has paid off the Indonesian gov't. to keep quiet hardly bolsters your argument that Soetoro aka Obama aka Shabazz is legitimate.
    Try harder next time.

  7. @ Anonymous 3:12pm
    ...and you know this for a FACT? Give us the proof, or shut the fuck up.

    @ Anonymous 3:10pm
    ditto for you, too. Belief and knowledge are light years apart. Prove it. The essay document states CLEARLY that he is an Indonesian citizen. Are you fucking blind as well as incurably fucking stupid?

  8. let me also make something abundantly and crystal clear to you idiots:
    The burden of proof rests with whomever seeks the office or currently holds it without having established his/her bona fides. This means that Soetoro aka Obama aka Shabazz and his mindless lemmings MUST prove that he is eligible for the Presidency. It is HIS burden of proof.

    So I say once again: prove it, or shut the fuck up.

  9. Obama used the name Soetoro when he was in Indonesia. He never legally changed his name. I used an Asian name when I lived in Asia, but I never legally changed my name either. Both were done for convenience. Neither are illegal or immoral.

    Obama never became an Indonesian citizen. Since Obama never legally changed his name to Soetoro, Barry Soetoro did not become an Indonesian citizen either. But, if you disagree, call up the Indonesian Embassy in Washington and check. They will tell you that Obama was never a citizen of Indonesia, and Barry Soetoro wasn't either.

  10. @ Anon. 2:25am
    ...and just who do you think has direct authority over the State Department? Why not try to get Ann Dunham's passport records, too....hmmmm, you can't, and do you know why? BECAUSE THEY HAVE BEEN DESTROYED BY OBAMA'S OPERATIVES YOU FUCKING SIMPLE MINDED TWIT! Now that we have established that there is profound and widespread corruption throughout the Executive Branch and ALL of its agencies, what do you think the chances are that they are going to verify what was clearly stated on an official Indonesian government document listing "Barry Soetoro" as an "Indonesian Citizen"?
    Man, are you ever fucking stupid.

  11. Re: "Why not try to get Ann Dunham's passport records, too....hmmmm, you can't, and do you know why? BECAUSE THEY HAVE BEEN DESTROYED BY OBAMA'S OPERATIVES YOU FUCKING SIMPLE MINDED TWIT! "

    Answer: No only part of the files, the same part that was destroyed for thousands of files in the 1970s to save space. Only the applications for documents within the files were destroyed, not the documents themselves.

    Obama's mother's passport file exists only the FOI Act request for applications for documents did not turn up anything because the applications for documents did not exist. Strangely, very very strangely, the birther's FOI request did not ask for document; it only asked for the applications for documents. Odd, isn't it?

    Now, you have claimed that the Obama administration destroyed Obama's mother's files. If so, they would have existed during the Bush Administration, and since there was going to be a presidential election and Obama was running, you would think that members of the Bush Administration would have looked into those files. Well, if they did, they certainly did not find anything that indicated that Obama was born in Kenya or that he had taken on Indonesian citizenship.

    In any case, Obama was not born in Kenya--as his birth certificate from Hawaii shows--and he was never a citizen of Indonesia---as the Indonesian Embassy will confirm. Nor have the been any articles in Indonesia ever saying that he was a citizen of Indonesia. Nor did Indonesia require him to pay Indonesian taxes---which of course it would have if he were an Indonesian citizen.

    Re: "fucking stupid." Swearing never convinces anyone.

  12. Hey dumb ass, I don't need to convince you of ANYTHING. There is no chance whatsoever, after reading your nonsensical drivel and prattle, that you are capable of processing the bleeding obvious for what it is...the bleeding obvious. Listen dummy, it is your prerogative to follow this con-man to the ends of the earth if you want to, and then over the proverbial cliff, but I choose to follow the Constitution...I know, that's a radical idea to you lemmings, but it has served this Glorious Republic just fine for the last 229 years and I am hell bent on helping WE the People... defend it against fools like you and your misguided ilk. Let me guess, you are an idealist who is in love with the idea of the first Black Presidency, and the very thought that he is a fraud, AND a failure, is just too much for that tender little brain of yours to handle. So instead of actually looking at the evidence OBJECTIVELY, you engage in conjecture and assumptions as a substitute for intellectual honesty. Too bad. I look forward to watching Soetoro aka Obama aka Shabazz being slowly exposed as the lying sack of shit that he truly is and watching the videos of his horrified supporters (you, principally...) weeping their eyes out (Wisconsin and Walker: "Democracy is dead...!") when he is shown the door.
    I swear because I have nothing but contempt and bile for you and your kind.
    Try harder next time OBOT.


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