Monday, July 2, 2012

Is Obama's Support Weaker Than Poll Numbers Appear?
Chad Stafko

There is a compelling divergence regarding President Obama's reelection chances when we consider what the poll numbers are telling us versus what the boots on the ground are indicating. More

Roberts Hands a Poisoned Chalice to the President
Christopher Chantrill

Whatever you think of Roberts' decision, his message was unequivocal. If you don't like ObamaCare then you'd better vote it down in November. In this he gives conservatives real clarity. More

1 comment:

  1. i don't think obamacare will ever be voted down. i think of it this way: the tax code is tweaked daily and is a steady stream of income for politicians who are paid by contributions to bend the rules. now replace 'tax code' with obamacare.

    Its money in the coffers times 2.


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