Saturday, August 25, 2012

If any political party has a war on women or a history of abusing and mistreating them, it’s definitely the Democratic Party.

Why Women Should Not Vote For Barack Obama

Since the start of the 2012 presidential campaign, Democrats, including Barack Obama have done their best to convince the women of America that the Republicans have declared war on them because of the GOP pro-life stance.
However, who has really declared war on women?

To start with, the current Democratic administration continues to support Egypt’s new government run by the extremist group, the Muslim Brotherhood.  Imposing strict Sharia law, women become subject to torture, beatings and humiliation by the men.  Their status is not much different to that of slaves, cattle and chickens.

Then there are the attacks made by Democrat Hilary Rosen saying Ann Romney has not worked a day in her life.  I would think this would offend every stay at home mom in the country.  Various studies over the years have proven that stay at home moms often work harder and longer hours than many women and men in the work force.  Then add to that Ann Romney raised five boys, which any mom will tell you is a tough full time job.

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