Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Obama's "election" was a momentous occasion not because he was dark-skinned, but because he was a communist agent. His election made history not because of his Arab-American ethnicity, but because it was one of the first times in history one nation literally took over another nation through the use of democratic elections.

The Election of Barack Obama Was the Election of a Communist Agent
“It is a DefCon 1 level, sirens sounding, red-light flashing situation we are currently in.”
Description: http://www.thecomingattack.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/hydra.jpg
Obama is a pawn in all of this …resources have been utilized …information gathered….this is a global crisis.  Barack Obama’s election in 2008 was itself the signal.  Now those forces are moving… and quickly.” – WSI
“Soon, some will ask “how did we get here?”, and the others will only laugh bitterly…”
Tipping Points
by Theseus
The self-evident truth of the global Marxist conspiracy is growing clearer and clearer. The bloated and weakened bureaucracy of American government gasps and plods along, beset on all sides by thousands of biting and striking scorpions. The communist serpents strike and retreat, leaving their mark, one after another. Through the most wasteful of means, they have sucked 15 trillion dollars of debt out of the American name, leaving its once gold-standard rating to be trodden in the dust.
The Sequence began ever since the Apparatus gained a foothold through the election of the Impostor. It has been counting down to the inevitable destruction of the American citizenry ever since, if they do not make one last attempt to stop it in time. The Sequence follows a precise Blueprint and is in fact two-pronged. As Sun Tzu said, the greatest battle to win is to take your enemy’s city without firing a shot.
Barack Obama as a strategist, as a tactician, is virtually worthless. As an actor, as a trained orator, as a hand-puppet who can read the same speech over and over again, and make it sound as if he is coming up with these ideas on the spot, he is superb. That is his only talent. That is all he can do because that is all he has to do for the Apparatus. That is his role.
What many Americans do not understand is that the election of Barack Obama in 2008 did not merely represent the election of a man, regardless of how flawed and totalitarian his ideology.
It was the election of a Gang who was concealed behind Barack, a gang who used Barack’s trained gifts as an orator, employing carefully designed speeches, to bring the entire Machine into the White House and subsequently bring the entire United States of America executive branch under their control. It was quite a feat; in fact it was the first time it has ever been done in American history, if not human history.
Once they had their foot in the door, Barack Obama settled firmly into his role of a facilitator. He said what they told him to say, did what they told him to do, read the speeches they told him to read, and (most importantly) nominated the agents they wished him to nominate. That is all he does because that is all he is capable of, but more importantly, that is all he is meant to do. It is plausible deniability and proxy warfare all rolled into one.
His election was a momentous occasion not because he was dark-skinned, but because he was a communist agent. His election made history not because of his Arab-American ethnicity, but because it was one of the first times in history one nation literally took over another nation through the use of democratic elections.
Description: http://www.maggiesnotebook.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Obama_Odinga_1.jpg
Presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama Campaigns for Soviet-backed Raila Odinga in Kenya (2006)
America is now over 3 years into the Sequence and the results are becoming plain to see. It is leftist Democrat policies on steroids, in short communism. Everything has been kicked into hyperdrive because this is the final countdown. The dollar has been completely devalued, industry has been completely hollowed out, unemployment is skyrocketing, theft and laundering from the federal Treasury into Apparatus bank accounts has exploded, and we have begun to see the first starts of the political assassinations that so defines Communists.
For those wondering how it is that a man with the power of the presidency of the United States could possibly be controlled by others, there are several indicators to pay attention to.
By numerous accounts, he is a man with a potential weakness for substance abuse, including a potential inclination towards those of the same sex. Additionally, there are no real academic achievements to speak of. According to a former Clinton staffer, it was common knowledge that he wasn’t eligible for the presidency due to not being a citizen of the country. Just one of those facts would be enough to blackmail anyone who was President; taken together, you could make Barack do just about anything you want.
Therefore, it is logically sound that President Barack Obama would propose reducing the American strategic nuclear arsenal from roughly 5,000 warheads to 300. From 300, it is a small matter to destroy the pitifully small number of remaining warheads, rendering the nation utterly defenseless to a nuclear attack.
Communist strategy, while historically maintaining the vision of total domination and absolute power, has also always been tactically flexible. A careful observation of current events and the various moves of the global Communists reveals two possible desired outcomes for them:
  • Conversion of America from a democratic republic to a Communist dictatorship. Beginning with an economic Depression triggered by the global Communists, this transition would involve mass riots, civil unrest, and the imposition of martial law followed by the suspension of Constitutional freedoms and rights. In the government crackdown that would inevitably follow, the American Communists would consolidate and strengthen their power by commencing a pogrom against their prearranged list of enemies. This list would include media figures, business leaders, political opponents, activists, and possible military figures. It would also include leftists who are no longer useful to the Communists and would become vicious enemies of the new dictatorship once they realized they had been deceived. In addition to the murder of the Global Communists’ most powerful enemies, there would also be the construction of “enemy camps” where future patriots  would be sent for torture and murder, a common element in Communist dictatorships. This transition could conceivably make the use of Russian and/or Chinese troops under the guise of “UN peacekeepers” if the Global Communists deemed it necessary.
  • Elimination of the indigenous American population for re-population and looting of natural resources. Beginning with the economic Detonation triggered by the Global Communists, this scenario is exacerbated by strategic nuclear devices placed by Russian proxy tactical forces under the guise of “Islamic terrorists”. Chinese biological weapons would also be used to increase the number of casualties and clear the way for the invasion. In the massive death and chaos that ensues, the Communist agents in the government would internally sabotage the military, paving the way for a traditional Soviet nuclear strike.  It is virtually impossible to determine the sequence, but there could also be Iranian(Russian proxy) or North Korean(Chinese proxy) inter-continental ballistic missiles launched over the US, sparking an EMP attack and destroying the power grid at the very beginning.
Domestically, the Communists are escalating the general mood of the public and normalizing them to murder under certain circumstances.
This is imperative because murder will be pivotal to their tactics in the coming months and years. The Trayvon Martin propaganda is a case in point. In this case, they took an issue virtually impossible to argue against and used it as the foundation for an argument for murder (“Zimmerman wanted dead or alive! Kill Zimmerman twitter account”). Since they are behavioral science experts, this was a sophisticated propaganda campaign as usual and moved the nation spiritually that much closer to acceptance of murder “for certain reasons”. There are key reasons for them doing this.
Description: http://l3.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/4ZKLxEa6BgIIUf2vNJa7MQ--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9aW5zZXQ7aD0zMjA7cT04NTt3PTUxMg--/http:/media.zenfs.com/en_us/News/theatlanticwire/People_Who_Won_t_Vote_Prefer-470d2d346abebfcb60db6240183b8db2
Every step leads to the next.
The gangs of anarchists, socialists, and communists disguised under the banner of the “Occupy” movement are nothing more than one of their military arms. The psychotic black supremacists disguised as the “New Black Panther Party” are nothing more than another of their military arms. The psychotic quasi-Islamist anti-Jew fanatics disguised as the “Nation of Islam” are nothing more than another military arm. And there are many more.
These will coalesce. One important thing to note is that it is impossible to fully determine which option they will choose. Circumstances will dictate which path they will follow. It could be that they will choose a combination of both, i.e. martial law and disarmament followed by a nuclear first strike.
To say that the situation is under control at this point would be laughable. So would be saying that the US is at some type of critical tipping point. The truth is that America is so far past the tipping point, all that’s left is a question of timing.
It is a DefCon 1 level, sirens sounding, red-light flashing situation we are currently in.
Preparations for personal survival are of course first priority. Warning others is the next. The last, but hardly the least important, is organizing others who are of like mind and building networks.

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