Saturday, January 11, 2014


Worse than Watergate!

Exclusive: Larry Klayman compares Nixon's failures to Obama's 'treason'

Last Thursday evening, after having left a message for the Washington Post’s Bob Woodward to talk to him about his recent article regarding Robert Gates’ book, “Duty” – in which the former secretary of defense under President Barack Hussein Obama rips the “mullah in chief” over his derelict if not treasonous leadership in waging war in Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention the Rules of Engagement for our servicemen, which favor the Muslim enemy over our own troops – I reminisced about the Watergate scandal during the administration of Richard Nixon. Bob Woodward, along with his then equally young partner, Carl Bernstein, uncovered what at the time was the biggest government scandal in American history. So, that evening it seemed like a good time to again watch a video of the Hollywood film about their exploits, “All the President’s Men.”
My movie experience put in relief the current state of the nation under Obama. Much like Nixon – who used the CIA not only to break into the Watergate Office Complex to spy on the Democratic National Committee during the 1972 presidential campaign, as well as employed the spy agency, illegally, to conduct surveillance on and smear other political enemies – Obama is now using his NSA and CIA to spy on over 300 million American citizens. Indeed, while Nixon’s constitutional violations were limited, Obama’s are so widespread as to constitute the largest abuse of power in U.S. history. And while Nixon primarily subverted his Justice Department and FBI to create the appearance of a bonafide investigation of the Watergate scandal and thus cover it up, Obama not only uses his Justice Department and FBI to achieve the same ends, but also his enablers – both Democrat and Republican (such as Rep. Peter King) – to run interference for him. One can only surmise what these enablers might be getting in exchange – Nixon style – for their largesse.
When you layer the burgeoning NSA scandal with Obama’s other scandals, from IRS-gate, to Benghazi-gate, to Extortion 17-gate, to Obamacare-gate, to Fast and Furious-gate to now Gates-gate over the president’s traitorous acts concerning our military, ironically the cartoon below that says Nixon is not a crook by today’s standards takes on an eerie reality.
The current state of the Obama scandals are indeed “Worse than Watergate,” the title of a book ironically written by Nixon White House counsel and whistleblower John Dean about the privacy abuses during the Bush-Cheney years when warrantless wiretaps were ordered by the White House for a limited period following September 11. (Bush later stopped this practice after a public outcry and Supreme Court rulings in related cases.) Not in the history of the United States have We the People had to endure so corrupt and incompetent a chief executive, and I am including former President Bill Clinton with whom I locked horns during the 1990s and obtained a court ruling, the first in American history, that he had committed a crime in violating the privacy rights of Kathleen Willey, a widow Slick Willy had sexually harassed in the Oval Office.
Get Larry Klayman’s fascinating account of his battle with the powers that be: “Whores: Why and How I Came to Fight the Establishment”
What puts the capper on Obama’s new indoor world record for presidential sleaze is indeed spelled out in the soon-to-be released Gates book. According to another book review that appeared in Investor’s Business Daily, here is how Obama’s corrupt leadership has caused the deaths of American heroes.

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