Sunday, April 27, 2014

British Intelligence Adviser: Stanley Ann 
Dunham is not Barack Obama's Real Mother
Dean Garrison | Freedom Outpost

Most of us have heard the conspiracy theories about Barack Obama, Sr. not being our president's real father. We have heard names like Frank Marshall Davis, Malcolm X and Mohammed Subud.

It is difficult to ascertain which reports might be credible and which are fabrication. But one thing we do know for certain is that Barack Obama, to this day has not been able to produce a birth certificate. That statement will immediately draw the ire of some, but it is true. I didn't say that he has not provided a real birth certificate. He has not produced a birth certificate–period. A "certificate of live birth" is not the same as a birth certificate. An official birth certificate would include footprints, among other things.

A former Hawaii state official, Tim Adams, is on record in a sworn affidavit stating that no "long form" birth certificate exists.

Senior officers in the City and County of Honolulu Elections Division further told me on multiple occasions that Hawaii State government officials had made inquiries about Sen. Obama's birth records to officials at Queens Medical Center and Kapi'olani Medical Center in Honolulu and that neither hospital had any record of Senator Obama having been bom there, even though Governor Abercrombie is now asserting and various Hawaii government officials continue to assert Barack Obama, Jr. was born at Kapi'olani Medical Center on Aug. 4, 1961.

This alleged cover up was again in the limelight a short time ago when a small passenger plane crash took the life of Loretta Fuddy. Since that time, we have found that Fuddy was also involved in the Subud Cult that Ann Dunham was involved with. When you combine that with the fact that it was Fuddy who finally delivered the "Certificate of Live Birth" to The White House, the theories are readily abundant.

In the end, many of us don't know what to think, but we are fairly certain that we have not been told the truth.

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