Sunday, August 16, 2009

My countrymen, it is time to throw off the tyrants...


Samuel Adams, "I will stand alone, I will oppose this tyranny at the threshold, though the fabric of liberty fall and I perish in its ruin."

For nearly half a century, there have been those in America who have steadily pushed the secular agenda. It is time for the majority to push back. It is time for the majority to dispel the myths the secularists have propagated, and to reclaim our true historical foundation. We see the secular agenda at work not only in our public school system, but also in our courts. Judicial decisions based on a secular world view, a politically liberal bias, or based on laws that were written by legislators with a secular, liberal bias, have removed us from the path our Founding Fathers once forged. It is time to restore the old path. Just as the Pilgrims and the Puritans had to break free of their religious oppressors in England in the seventeenth century and as the colonists had to stand against the political tyranny of England in the eighteenth century, so too must right-thinking, common sense Americans take up the fight against the tyranny of secularists in the twenty-first century.

What’s right is right. We must not, under any circumstances, be deterred from speaking and doing what is right for the sake of our country and our posterity. Our Founders were not deterred. They staked all they had on doing the right thing regardless of the consequences. Some of the signers of the Declaration of Independence lost their lives on the battle field. Some lost their homes, most lost family members and friends. Several died penniless. How can we do less? Do we dare presume we can keep America as the land of the free and home of the brave if we continue to chip away at the two pillars which our Founders said were necessary for our republic to survive: Christian virtue and religion? These are the support beams which made us free and brave in the first place. Do we think we can win the War on Terror against such an evil, homicidal, and malignant enemy if we do not humble ourselves, and return to the God who blessed us with liberty in the first place?

My countrymen, it is time to throw off the tyrants, the ACLU, the NEA, the Hollywood elite, the leftist media, leftist activist judges, anti-Christ politicians and all secular humanists who “...pursue invariably the same object....”: to subvert the American character, turning us into a secular society modeled after their own misguided idea of utopia. We cannot let them destroy the foundation built by our Founding Fathers. Let these words reverberate from one end of the country to the other, written by the FATHER OF LIBERTY, the eminent, the wise, the virtuous Samuel Adams, “I will stand alone…I will oppose tyranny at the threshold, though the fabric fall, and I perish in its ruins.”

Let us join with our Founding Fathers in saying, “...when a long train of abuses and usurpations pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce {us} under absolute despotism, it is {our} right, it is {our} duty to throw off such {tyrants}, and to provide new guards for {our} future security.” So help us, God.

Those that preside over the decay of the American character must hear first-hand from those who will not let the United States of America suffer ruin. We cannot allow them to drive us into the dust, to go the way of Rome, collapsing from within because we've abandoned our moral compass. Secularits, leftists, the so-called "progressives", and all anti-Christianists are usurpers of the people’s power and perverters of American history. They are extinguishing the very soul of our nation, once a blazing fire. We cannot, we must not let them win.

- Elizabeth Lyke

"You may read the entire article called 'A New Declaration' by Elizabeth Lyke at ."

1 comment:

  1. Spoken like a true Patriot. Well said EL . As another Patriot once said- "I have not yet begun to fight"

    The Left better get right or there will be Hell to pay!

    Welcome Aboard Give Us Liberty EL.


    Sic Semper Tyrannus


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