Monday, September 7, 2009

US Senior Citizen Speaks Out on Healthcare Bill - MUST WATCH!




  1. Well said John Crawford.
    Very powerful stuff because he is sincere, unaffiliated and genuine. He was talking about people who have values and pride and a work ethic. The people who made America great.Obama speaks to people who have never had, and probably never will have those values.
    Interesting, that the proponents of this billpromise that there is nothing detrimental to the American people yet John, and others have quoted specific language from specific pages which gives them the lie.Remember, Mr. Conyers et al have never read the bill.

  2. John has been very clear and honest in his comments. He is speaking the voice of most Patriotic United State of American citizens. He is speaking up and is going to stand up for what our Founding Fathers have given to us as a Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence. Thank you, John, and my our Lord and Savior keep you safe.


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