Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What happens? ...and a comment...

So what happens if Obama doesn't produce records as ordered by Discovery within 30 days?

by DefendUSx September 16, 2009 02:39

There was some confusion as to whether Judge Carter ordered Discovery or only transferred the handling of Discovery to an assistant Magistrate Judge.

According to records, Judge Carter did in fact order Discovery to take place prior to the hearing for Dismissal requested by Obama's Law team in mid-October.

Obama's team has asked that Judge Carter's Discovery order be thwarted by a "Stay" motion, meaning to cease or dismiss the order. The motion to "Stay" on the Discovery order has not been granted by the Magistrate Judge now handling Discovery.

So, that is strike one for Obama and Lawyers. If the case is not dismissed in 30 days, that will be strike two.

I believe the case will not be dismissed and am going to make an edumucated guess that Obama is NOT going to produce the records and is going to once again ask the case be dismissed.

I would say not producing the documents required by Discovery would be strike 3 for Obama, but may not be enforced for him like it would be for the rest of us.

Obama is very spoiled, used to getting his way .. every single time.

What happens if the Judge says "OK, you didn't produce the requested documents, so you are in violation of this, that and the other". A serious offense no doubt, and would likely mean jail-time for obstruction of a court order.

In effect, by not producing the records, Obama would be saying he IS ineligible. He has done this before with other eligibility lawsuits.

What do you think? If Obama were deemed guilty of a serious offence and violation of the court, who would go get him?

So, in effect, we'd have (if the Judge follows the Constitution), we'd have "Obama guilty of not producing records required by Discovery. Judge Carter has ordered that he be removed from the White House immediately .."

We'd have millions of people saying .. "It's about time .. he is not eligible and has committed a very serious offense and needs to be removed immediately" .. and you'd have millions of Obots saying "Just try it ...".

So, in effect, we'd have a Civil War as the Police forces would be split and so on. Rassmussen Polls (a far-left Polling group) will tell you that only 42% stongly dissapprove of Obama and his policies. You can bet it is at least 12 pts. higher. Rassmussen will always tell you there is an 8 pt. gap (either way), but the truth is the gap is below the actual cited percentage, plus another margin of error (+ - 4) on top of that. So, it is really a solid 50% for sure (and likely more).

It's about principal, America and the Constitution. What's the alternative? Become a Serf?

If neither side budges .. one side for defending America and the other side for taking it down for world order henchman, then my friend, we are at an "impasse".

What gives?

The process of discovery allows the attorneys access to records and documents (as well as depositions) concerning information related to the case. It is not limited to physical documents which Obama might have in his physical posession. It allows reproduction of documents either hardcopy or electronic records including e-mail etc. Obama is not the owner of public documents. Discovery requests can be sent directly to the alleged hospital sites in Hawaii, Occidental College in Chicago, Harvard College or any other institution that possesses such relevant records. None of these institutions would have a defense against the release of these records unless they chose to defy the court order and risk fine and possible jail time. They do not enjoy presidential privacy rules etc. and public records are not exempt on security reasons. Ordinary citizens are required to provide these simple records every day. It is possible that the judge could allow discovery and direct "in camera" actions which would limit exposure to the judge, attorneys and parties directly related to the case. There could also be "amicus memorandum"presentations allowed by interested third parties (if the judge allows them). If the judge grants "discovery" procedures, these organizations will comply. They would be absolutely stupid to disgregard a federal judges order.


There are many scenarios that can play out. We the people need to make sure that in the end the RIGHT scenario is the one.

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