Tuesday, January 26, 2010

America Speaks!...

What was that old saying, you fool me once shame on you, you fool me twice shame on me, try and fool me again and shame has nothing to do with it, it's a lie and just who in the hell do you think you are trying to lie to anyway?

It must be tough for axlegrease to skid along on his horse of utopia and keep running into those fairy tales his boss keeps on telling him don't exist. Jeez what a dipstick.

What I find disturbing the most is he really thinks he knows what he's saying and doing is what a rational person would expect of him. Someone really needs to tell him not all American's look, sound and act as though everyone around him is as stupid as he looks, acts and sounds. This is not the little league of chicagoland politics goings on here.

This is an informed electorate, we did not snake our way out of the most corrupt part of these United States and find ourselves outside the laws of this land by choice, it does appear the the little o and axlegrease did though. The sandwich technique axlegrease, this is how is works FYI, agree, change subject, close. Tell the boss he does not impress this Marine, not one bit. and where the hell is that birth certificate? Inquiring minds demand to know.
It is well known by anyone with half a brain that Muslim terrorists have killed thousands of American civilians and soldiers. Islamists declared war long ago, and their intention right now is to kill millions more Americans by whatever means possible, and destroy the United States.
Despite these facts, Obama insists on treating terrorists as common criminals by reading them their Miranda rights and trying them in civilian courts. Obama is either profoundly ignorant and low in wattage, or he is a deliberate ally of the terrorists. In any case, he is giving aid and comfort to the enemy, and he should be impeached. He is endangering all Americans and our national survival. Just one more "9/11" event could be fatal for our economy and our national existence.

I don't think it's been widely reported how low his approval really is. Rasmussen is already targeted so he's had to soften it up.
Zogby? He called Choke-ly in Mass. last week. NBC? CBS? CNN?

He's in the 30's. EVERY person I talk to who has ever been called by a pollster doesn't participate. Even my outspoken anti-Obama brother won't do a poll. Ergo the Dems problem.
The pollsters over-sample Dems because they have to put out a poll every day. They bury the sampling and put it out.

He's toast folks. That's why he's going down fighting. He has nothing else. This time next year he'll be announcing his decision not to run. I said it in December 2008 and I'll say it again.

I've had 20 years in media doing focus groups, ratings, retail trends and consumer tracking. He's toast.


I have a co-worker who blindly follows democrats. I told him before the 2008 election that Obama would be a one-term president because he wasn't capable of making the correct decisions because he was trained by an elitist, marxist, atheist academia. It's not in his make-up to change course. He doesn't know any better.


The US is paying dearly for 50 years of political correctness with this knucklehead as President. Even the most ardent socialist has to be wondering not only how this fool got out of college but how did he get in. What are his advisors telling him? Maybe Obama can blame it on the sewer rat Emanuel? Only a guy who took financial payback from Rezco could hire a guy who was on the BOD of Freddie Mac right before he made 16 million in one year. Think about it.
My first instinct after Obamas infantile attack on banks last week was to think he was paying back those who voted him down in Mass, but then when you look at his background and those around him,he most likely was paying some hedge fund who was very short in the mkt.
Why isnt Fast Franky Raines in prison with Jeff Skilling?


This administration is not just incompetent, doctrinaire and malevolent: It is, collectively, a whack job.

Obama is the Blanche Dubois of politics, his moment in the sun already receding behind him. Now he lives in a world entirely of his own making - even as events proceed apace heedless of his worldview.

Well, after all, he has always depended on the kindness of Soros.

Hitler proved that you can't ignore "facts on the ground" and rely upon force of will to win a war; he was only disabused of this notion when his country, his army and his Reich lay in tatters and his world - which just a few years earlier had encompassed most of Europe - was reduced to a dog, a concubine and a claustrophobic bunker - and, ultimately, his own bullet.

Since there aren't Soviet soldiers a hundred yards from the White House, there is no external force available to focus Obama's mind on reality, and it's obvious that neither political exigencies nor the mounting consequences of his foolishness are strong enough to break the suction of his narcissism or shatter his messianic fantasy.

Our eternal adolescent-in-chief will never surrender his delusions. Which will make the next few years a weird mix of entertaining, pathetic and horrifying.


All Premier Hussein can do is talk and spin, because he has never run so much as a lemonade stand in his life. He has no idea what to do next, and January's unemployment numbers will prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt.

But Axelrod's comment: "And people will never know what's in that bill until we pass it, the president signs it, and they have a whole range of new protections they never had before." says it all. It is exactly because people do not know what is in this package that is driving the massive opposition against it.

For all of the talking that Premier Hussien has done this year, what's notable is the continued lack of any specific ideas or any indication that his administration understands what is going on with anything. Obama talks a great deal but he actually says very little.


"I think we lost some of that sense of speaking directly to the American people about what their core values are and why we have to make sure those institutions are matching up with those values. And that I do think is a mistake of mine."

Hold on!! Stop the state run media video talk shows!! The president says he made a mistake? There are people out there in fly over country who do matter, have a sense of detachment, and have values? It has taken the Pretender n Chief a full year in office to recognize a group of citizens that he otherwise wouldn't give the time of day to!! "The President is moving to the middle," or so says the media. Don't be misled America! The values he speaks of are not true American values, and if they were its just a ploy. As the Retired Marine says, "Fool me once...." I may have a sense of detachment, but the Pretender n Chief and his people are permanently attached to my wallet. And, I too am waiting to see that birth certificate.


It's hard to overstate Obama's hapless style of governance: He had an approval rating in the 70's, both houses of congress featuring a veto proof senate and all of the big media in his pocket and all he managed to do was shoot himself in the leg.


Like all progressives, Obama must lie in order to manipulate the electorate, who would otherwise completely reject his proposals. Lies are standard, essential tactics for progressives. Because progressivism has no inherent boundaries within its philosophy, progressives will always lie to the public about the extent of their current agenda, making it seem as if they are well within centrist thought by pointing to some other more egregiously leftist position that is worse. Of course, after the current crop of leftist proposals is enacted, inevitably a few years later those more egregious proposals are then the next set of progressivism to be crammed down the throats of the electorate, and so on and so on, ad infinitum.

Add to this arrogant, sociofascist philosophy the character of Obama himself. Obama has been variously described as an empty suit, a narcissist, the Liar-in-Chief, and the quintessential product of affirmative action. Whatever the label, he believes in magical thinking, i.e., if you attain that which symbolizes a desired outcome, then that will cause the outcome itself to occur.


As I shake my head and plead to the good Lord, "Please wake me up from this nightmare", I hold on to one thing - the American People. I mean the REAL American People; those of us who work hard, treat our neighbors right and believe in the values that made our country great.

There are more of us than of them. They may have the power and the money, but we have something better. We have strength, values, resolve, love and something that the uber left does not have ... truth.

All they have is fantasy land. We are stronger, larger and together. Their power and money can't last against our ballots, marches, protests, faith, love, and solidarity.


As a community organizer, he even failed to bring jobs to his community. How can he create jobs for the country ? All he wants to do is to vote PRESENT. When something gets done, he'll take credit, and something screws up, he'll blame others.


Obama's remark about being an effective one - term President as opposed to being a mediocre two - term President was telling. He will be neither.


The collapse of the Obama administration is not only no fun to watch, it is out and out dangerous. So what will happen next? The only thing that can happen: Having jumped out of its governance airplane with totalitarian-style health care reform and grievously defective cap and trade strapped to its back, the Obama administration is plunging toward the ground, unable to pull the handle in its fist for fear that it is not attached to the rip cord of a parachute but rather to the lanyard of a bomb. And so the ground rushes up. Impact is imminent.

The Obama administration will be broken, its impotence on display for all the world to see. The President's plight and the corresponding paralysis of a lame duck Democrat super majority in Congress will likely assure the continued ineptitude in the Obama-influenced national security apparatus. This sorry state of affairs may present opportunities too rich for America's enemies to forego.

Yes, indeed, let's temper our eager anticipation of the mid-term elections with urgent preparation for the ominous prospect of the collapse of Barack Obama's Washington. This and the damage already inflicted by this President and his fellow travelers Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi will put the United States is peril.

High unemployment wounds American citizens now. Unconscionable national debt wounds America long into the future. Jobs, properity and national solvency mean little or nothing, however, to Americans maimed and killed by enemies of the nation.


Even though it looks horrible from where we "Real Americans" sit in this political prosses there are many, many more who love and want this country to get back on the right track as our forefathers wanted for us. Just have faith that we will get through this insanity by just being informed as we can be and making sure our children know our history because they are the future. Obama grew up hating this country, took all that he could from it and slaps it in the face. I firmly believe he will get his awakening someday.


What? The Messiah is not the Messiah after all? The One is not "the One"??? Imagine that - (sarcasm intended). For months before the general election, his opponents kept trying to warn the electorate about Obama's inexperience, arrogance, narcissism, political naivete/, and extreme liberal/left wing politics. They were tone deaf and elected the "Incompetent-in-Chief" to the highest and most powerful office in the land. Now we are stuck with him until 2012 and God help us! At the very least, we ought to support every political effort to ensure that the Republicans gain control of both houses of Congress in November. At least they may be able to limit the amount of damage Team Obama can do the country. In the meantime, though, we are facing an increasingly aggressive Iran hell bent on getting the Bomb, Osama Bin Laden promising more terrorist attacks on US airlines over American soil, and increasing conflicts with China. If I do not feel quite as safe now as I once did with W. in the White House, can you blame me?


President Obama's attitude and the attitude of his staff really shouldn't surprise anyone. People like me tried ad nausem to tell people back in 2008: "Don't listen to what he's saying now. LOOK AT HIS VOTING RECORD IN THE SENATE AND THE TYPE OF PEOPLE HE HUNG AROUND WITH WHEN HE WAS ON THE WAY UP!!!"

But alas, a majority of the American public, fed up with the arrogance and incompetence of the Bush administration and with stars in their eyes, accepted his assurances that he was really a "moderate" after all and elected him. They so wanted him to be this trancendental figure that would magically unite the country through the sheer force of his personality and power of his intellect.

Well, now we're learning that, underneath all the fawning press coverage, he's really just an old-school "limousine liberal" ... just like we told you he was all along.

So don't blame us. We voted for McCain.


My Dad predicted last summer that Obama would end up committing suicide. I laughed at the time. Now that I see what a narcissist he is, it doesn't seem to far outside the realm of possibility.


I still doubt if the Politicians of either party really understands what is happening in American!

For years we have watched our jobs being outsourced & in-sourced, aided and abide by the ruling Political elite!

On the low end Politicians have allowed the largest invasion of any Nation, at any time, by any means as millions of Uneducated Illegal Aliens pour across our borders in direct volition of our Constitution Article IV Section IV against invasion, the Rule of Law & their Oath of office.

The Democrat support the invasion because a large uneducated dependent welfare class translates into Democrat votes!

The Republicans because their paymaster in the Chamber of Commerce & Business love slave labor with the benefits like Medical, Schooling, Welfare & Incarceration, Section 8 housing etc. are passed on to the tax payers!

On the high end H1 vistas to take the engineering, software jobs etc. at low wages to increase business profits & the insane salaries of the CEO,s their bonuses &, benefits etc.

After years of seeing their standard of living deteriorate & requiring both parents working and still not able to provide a standard of living that one working did it in the past people are frustrated & angry that no one in Washington cares about working Americans or the future of this Nation!

Obama promised Hope & Change so the voters kicked out a Elitist, Arrogant, Spendthrift Republican party that was wading in the swamp of corruption!

Now after one year of Democrat rule and total control most are realizing Obama sold them a bill of good and the Democrats are even more Elitist, Arrogant, Big spending and the swamp of corruption has now turned into a sea of debt & corruption with Acorn , Unions, Seiu, Wall street , Big banks & last but not least the tax funded Racist hate Organization La Raza!

Both parties when they get total control & power get more corrupt, arrogant & worse than the British & King George that resulted in the American revolution and the shot heard around the world!

Now the good people of Mass. have fired another shot. If the Politicians of both parties still refuse to change and keep thinking they are Kings & we are their Serfs & they & the special interest they serve know what is best, the next shots they hear may not be as peaceful.

It is way pass time they realize they are the servants & not our rulers and they exist to serve the American people & this Nation, not the special interest, not Mexico, not Latin American and every country in the world while ignoring and punishing Citizens by taxes, jobs and debt to support the rest of the world!


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