Monday, January 4, 2010

How to win the revolution

The Post & Email

Political Analysis by Doug Cook
© 2009/2010

Gadsen Flag(Jan. 4, 2010) — There is much talk and action taking place among conservative and libertarian people about running a third party. This is certainly a noble and patriotic endeavor by rightfully frustrated and angry citizens.

After considering it carefully these last 12 months, it is evident that many of us, myself included, have lost sight of the forest for the trees. The crucial thing here is to empower us as a people, enabling us to turn our government from a dictatorship into the servant of we the people.

This is the only goal; anything else will fall far short, and not much will change.

In saying this to you, my fellow Americans, party affiliation or philosophy does not matter. This will not affect our goal of placing government back into the hands of the people; one way or the other it is meaningless. To effect change that is lasting and complete, what matters is doing the most with the least effort and expense and using the most commonsense methods and resources at our disposal.


Logically and strategically, it does not matter what party name the revolution takes to be victorious. The organization and established network that exists in the Republican Party is the perfect instrument for obtaining victory. In argument here, as it exists today, it is ineffective in the politics of the day, ruled by elitism and greed, failed in its contract with America and lost to the people by special interest; therefore, why not take it over? After all, we have paid for it countless times over with our blood and treasure. We might as well take ownership of it; it belongs to us.


For the revolution to be victorious there are three items of supreme importance. They are inescapable, quite conveniently set up, and ripe for the taking if we so choose.

1. Time: This is of the essence; you don’t get it back once it’s gone. Timing is everything. The sooner time becomes our ally, the sooner it becomes a weapon we turn on our enemies.

2. Infrastructure: The Republican Party is a fully integrated and established entity. In terms of time, taking possession of it saves years, which could save our cause.

3. Money: The financial savings of taking over the Republican party vs. establishing a new third party figures in the billions, billions this revolution simply doesn’t have. As a conservative-minded patriot, to me, this is a clear case of Yankee ingenuity and thrift. It is another case of making the best use of the time remaining to assure victory. Necessity is the mother of invention, or re-invention in this case: re-invention of the Republican Party into the mighty just arm of the people’s power and will.

The great win-win of this strategy is that that we now have direct power to rid us of the crooks, traitors and impostors running wild, and we get direct access to the halls of greed and elitism. We have the power to throw special interests, gerrymanderers and the elite agenda on the trash heap of history. We get to kick serious butt and put the fear of the people into the hearts of the enemy. We become the boss, and we get to say what goes and what doesn’t.


We have the power to determine our lives and what is and is not good for ourselves!

If a third party is important, well, when you’re the victor, the spoils go to the winner, and we can call our party any darn thing we want.

How’s that for having your country and shaping it, too?

In every practical way imaginable, this strategy is a win-win-win.

I’m all for and all in for winning. America is a nation of winners. Victory goes to the swift of heart and mind.

If you have lived your life and wondered if you have made a difference in the world, I say to you, doing your patriotic duty to your fellow man, your country and your God, you won’t have to wonder.

Government for the people, by the people and of the people.

“Let’s roll.”


  1. I don't understand. How are we going to take over the party if we keep supporting the same old candidates? You want us to support Scott Brown, but he doesn't support us. I asked him. He says Obama is the legitimate president.

    Why the mixed message?

  2. IMO, the Republican Party will soon be going to the same place in history as did the Whigs -- and, for much the same reasons.
    A Few months ago, I attended the monthly dinner meeting of the Temecula/Murietta branch of the Republican Party. Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq., was one of two after-dinner speakers. Standing not too far from her was a larger than life cut-out of Sarah Palin. So! The locals have already decided who they will have as their champion in the next election! This is the same Sarah Palin who, in a recent NewsMax interview, enthusiastically gushed, "John McCain? I support HIM 100%!" that's ONE HUNDRED PERCENT!

    This is the SAME man who, 10 months prior to being the party's nominee for POTUS was being considered as a pariah of the party for his RINO legislations --the unconstitutional McCain - Feingold bill, his Amnesty bill and open borders agenda, his support for the establishment of the NAU, his support for the unconstitutional transfer of private taxpayer's dollars to the banks and international investors in Bush's Bailout bill of Sep. 2008, etc., ad-infinitum.

    Palin, in her clear words says she "agrees with McCain 100%".

    Quit beating a dead horse -- which is what the Republican Party has become. Additionally, the RP "leadership" continues to censure and ridicule the 7% of the American electorate that backs Congressman Ron Paul's agenda for restoring our Constitutional Republic to its proven foundation -- limited government as servant TO the people. Healthy differences are what is missing in the blood stream of the dead horse. Nobody wants same ol', same ol' of newt and his pals.

  3. IMO, the Republican Party will soon be going to the same place in history as did the Whigs -- and, for much the same reasons.
    A Few months ago, I attended the monthly dinner meeting of the Temecula/Murietta branch of the Republican Party. Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq., was one of two after-dinner speakers. Standing not too far from her was a larger than life cut-out of Sarah Palin. So! The locals have already decided who they will have as their champion in the next election! This is the same Sarah Palin who, in a recent NewsMax interview, enthusiastically gushed, "John McCain? I support HIM 100%!" that's ONE HUNDRED PERCENT!

    This is the SAME man who, 10 months prior to being the party's nominee for POTUS was being considered as a pariah of the party for his RINO legislations --the unconstitutional McCain - Feingold bill, his Amnesty bill and open borders agenda, his support for the establishment of the NAU, his support for the unconstitutional transfer of private taxpayer's dollars to the banks and international investors in Bush's Bailout bill of Sep. 2008, etc., ad-infinitum.

    Palin, in her clear words says she "agrees with McCain 100%".


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