Monday, January 25, 2010


The Hallmark of Incompetence

Barack Hussein Obama is a hardcore ideologue and it is unwise for this country to seek a compromise with any of his policies. Fortunately there are encouraging indications of his bungling incompetence lending a glimmer of hope that America may yet prevail:
1. Outsourcing writing of the Health Care bill to Nancy and Harry. The adults who occupied the Oval Office before BHO used to draft legislation and submit it to Congress for debate. The Bamster let loose the clerical and bureaucratic fury of congressional staffers to piece together his flagship legislation. That was why he could not articulate what the bill involved in graphic details and ended up reciting platitudes everytime (about three times a day) he held a press conference on the subject.

2. Outsourcing handling of terrorist culprits to nobody in particular. That was how nobody can answer the question of who authorized Mirandizing drawers Omar. That was how Janet pronounced the incident all systems peachy at her first press conference on the incident. That was why the meaningless finger pointing of who did not notify the not-yet-constituted H.I.G. was a spectacle on national TV because nobody knew that nobody bothered to constitute what was supposed to be an all-important arm of protecting the country.
I can go on for a few more but I don’t have the intestinal fortitude for it. We sent a boy to do a man’s job and we have been commensurately rewarded for our foolishness.

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