Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Short Coat Tails Of Usurper BarrackBarry Stevie Dunham Soetoro Obama

New Jersey was all the public rejection he could stand apparently. Three times in 5 days 'The Impostor President" personally campaigned for John Corzine in the closing stages of the New Jersey Governor's race. Election night revealed the rejection message New Jersey sent back to Washington D.C.

Where is Obama? Massachusetts for crying out loud, he won that state by 29% less than 15 months ago. If Obama's fragile ego won't furnish him with enough moral fortitude to face the voters in the Bluest state in the country, he needs to have a chat with that Cowardly Lion character from the Wizard of Oz regarding Courage.

Now the "Ted Kennedy Seat" is a bone in a dog fight. While the aristocratic overly privileged Martha Coakley Poodle is getting her ass handed to her by the Scott Brown Doberman Pincher the Mongrel Obama sifts through the garbage cans through the darkness for more rejected leftist refuse while he can, because he must realize the lights have begun to come on inside the homeowner's house.


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