Sunday, March 28, 2010


Important: Obama birth certificate issue more urgent than ever

Yes , A Must Read- I Agree Whole heartedly, Read The Complete Article. Don't Skip Over This One----Steve

Renew  America

By Joan Swirsky

Now that the regime currently occupying the White House has bribed, threatened, intimidated, bullied, manipulated and cut unconstitutional and illegal deals exclusively with Democrats to vote for the totalitarian nightmare of socialized medicine, the subject of Obama’s missing birth certificate is more timely and relevant than ever — precisely because the ugly spectacle emphasized once again the degree to which Obama has arrogantly flouted, sneered at, and spit upon the U.S. Constitution, a document he and his handlers and henchmen clearly revile and are determined to shred and destroy.


1 comment:

  1. This bill is a financial, moral, ethical, and societal disaster. There are those who are working to 'kill the bill', by repealing it, reversing it, or defunding it. The big push will of course be to remove next November the incredibly foolish progressive tools who gave this to us, and then to undo this monstrosity, but it may be too late.

    We must all begin to demand, now, that Soetoro demonstrate his legal ability to bring this scourge down on the people of this great country.

    All of us must begin to become active in this, as we have never been active in any political campaign before. Demand to see his college entrance records, demand an investigation into his Selective Service registration, demand his passport he used to go to Pakistan, demand the formal documents surrounding his name change, et al. He is a fraud, and a fraud cannot legitimately make a demand that any American citizen do anything, no matter what position he thinks he's holding.

    As Sarah Palin said, this is not the time to be either quiet, or sitting on the side lines. Stand up for yourselves, stand up for your family, stand up for America, DEMAND THAT SOETORO SHOW US WHO HE IS.


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