Wednesday, March 3, 2010

They Know Not What They Do

This is an exchange from a couple of my facebook friends I found interesting. It's a prime example of the head up the rear liberalism that permeates our culture. There are many of us who fight the good fight everyday, and why we must continue.......


Jeanine's Letter posted on her facebook page............

My letter to a Liberal Jew who was offended by BO compared to HitlerShare..

I am a torah observant Jew. My parents are Jewish. My father served in the military in WW2. Let me tell you, my father, who is a very educated man, he is a Dr--Columbia University educated, could see even BEFORE Obama won, the similarities to Hitler. This is based on research, facts and of course a lifetime of NOT being brainwashed by liberal folly and social experiments. As for me, I am a person who spends much time researching issues that have to do with our government. I absolutely see a comparison to Hitler. Just for starters, why don't you start looking into some actualities and facts. Read about Marxism and Communism--do you REALLY want to live under that? Also look at Agenda 21. You are living in a cocoon, a safe and comfortable zone. Most Jews I know are sharing that space with you. I can tell you, my experience with them has proven time and time again they are completely ignorant in regards to politics. Seriously brainwashed by pseudo Jewish uber liberal organizations, the main stream media, their own ignorant circle of friends. These Jews are like drones for the DNC---they do not vote on issues but by party line and they actually laugh about it. This is SHAMEFUL! Many Jews living in Europe were too ignorant as well to believe what Hitler was doing right under their noses, that he was planning their annihilation until they were a casualty themselves. I know you aren't going to like it, but WAKE up brother. The only Jews I see really comprehending what is happening are those who have been in a serious Torah observant lifestyle. They know better than to listen to the manipulative main stream news and media. They know only G-d is on top, that no man, political party or social issue should be worshipped. They can see it too and understand the dangers that this tyrant Obama is plotting. Have you checked the radical czars, the background of Obama--HE IS A MARXIST. Do you know the Nazis were on the left--the liberals of today are on the left. Have you wondered WHY the liberals are so often against Israel, Jews, Christians? Actually, liberal Jews are rabid in their contempt for the truth. They close their eyes, ears and mouths when it comes to speaking out for the truth, hearing the truth or just recognizing the truth. It is time for my people to wake up and come home to Torah, not DNC..

Elaine Unfortunately, a lot of people don't know what's wrong with being a Marxist. I got into an argument at Blockbuster with the kid behind the counter who was trashing GW Bush, and lauding Obama, I told him Obama is a Marxist, the kid said, maybe I am a Marxist, what's wrong with that? I replied, oh for starters it has been responsible for the deaths of 100 million people world wide! These people are CLUELESS and want the government to provide everything!

Jeanine So Elaine--what happened, did the kid seem to care?

Elaine The kid was shocked I can't stand Obama's policies, the kid goes to a private school in CT, so, he's very liberal. Once he got over his shock that I disagreed with him, I think he was more pissed rather than "informed" there were those with another view point. He also was adamant that Obama wrote his own speeches, the friend who was with me, told him she was a registered Democrat and that Obama did NOT write his own speeches. He got it from both of us.

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