Thursday, June 10, 2010

Every patriot should write a similar letter to their Senator or Congressperson and call them out on their failure to uphold their Constitutional duty!

Letter to Congressman Brian Bilbray: Deal with the ineligibility issue!


June 10, 2010 ThePostEmail LOGO _195x32).jpg

Dear Editor: The following letter was sent to my congressman on June 9, 2010 following a meeting with him.

Congressman Brian Bilbray
380 Stevens Ave, Suite 212
Solana Beach, CA 92075

June 9, 2010

Dear Congressman Bilbray;

Thank you for taking the time to meet with us at your office in Solana Beach on Monday, June 7th, in order to discuss our concerns.

You must have known of our intention to discuss the ineligibility issue for the putative President (Obama), since my request for the meeting included my “Top Issue of Concern” comments on your Constituent Survey: “That Mr. Bilbray honor his oath and demand Constitutional eligibility for the POTUS, plus my request, posted on your promo-mailer, for 4 or 5 of us to arrange a meeting with you “like the group of your constituents pictured here.”

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However, your comments on “Birthers,” and what you consider to be a natural born Citizen, seemed to defy the two years’ worth of information given to your office by us – plus our 100+ constituent-signed petition asking for your written position on this matter, which has been completely ignored.

At one point you said: “Find out what Passport he used in 1981 to get into Pakistan, and you’ve got something to work with.” If anyone has the ability and authority to find that out, it would certainly be you.

You also gave us a convoluted argument and discussion about Senator McCain being born in a hospital in Panama – not under U.S. jurisdiction. What bearing that has on Obama’s not being a natural born Citizen was beyond me, but the discussion was too obfuscatory to pursue. And your comments about cattle roaming across another farmer’s property – not being under his “jurisdiction,” frankly left me speechless. We’re talking about the seditious overthrow of our Constitutional Republic by a foreign-born domestic enemy, and you talk about cattle and English common law.

I informed you that we are not ‘”Birthers,” but instead “Article II Constitutionalists,” and, considering your oft-stated stance on how important you feel that the Constitution, in its entirety, really is, I was stunned at how little you knew about the meaning and importance of the President being a natural born Citizen.

At this point, I spelled out in one sentence what we had been providing you concerning this over the last year, that is:

  • Article II, Section 1 sets the requirement for POTUS to be “natural born”;
  • Article I, Section 8 says that you, Congressman, set all laws and punishments in accordance with the Law of Nations (written 20 years before the Constitution, and the foundation of same);
  • Emmerich de Vattel’s “Law of Nations” defines what a “natural born Citizen” is: born of two parents, both of whom are citizens of the country at the time of the person’s birth.

You said, “I didn’t know that. I will look into it.”

“I hope you sincerely mean that,” I said, knowing that once you did you would realize, without question, that Obama was not a natural born Citizen and therefore not eligible for the Office of President and Commander-in-Chief. He would therefore not be deserving of any Congress-member’s respect or cooperation, and instead their unwavering and continuing effort to remove him from the office he illegally holds.

ANSWER: Silence.

I told you that, as an elector for the Constitution Party in CA in the last elections, I was doubly disenfranchised, due to the fact that my citizen’s vote was voided due to an ineligible candidate on the ballot, thereby negating my vote, and my Electoral vote was nullified by you, Congressman, certifying the 55 CA electoral votes on Jan 8th, 2009 – WITHOUT OBJECTION – knowing full well that one of those CA electoral votes was by a deceased Elector, Ms. Irene Huber, who had been DEAD FOR OVER 6 YEARS!

ANSWER: Silence

Your answer to the question “Why didn’t you object to the certifying of the electoral votes until Obama’s “eligibility” could be proven?” – all we needed was one Representative and one Senator to force the issue – was answered with “it would just be overruled by a majority vote.” What that means to me is that you feel that the “majority” can overrule our Constitution by a “majority” vote at any time. That is “mob rule” in my book, not a Constitutional Republic. Preposterous!

I then informed you that a 10th Amendment Citizens’ Court Trial* was held in New York City less than three weeks ago (you in Congress and the Senate will shortly be receiving the transcripts and the “Guilty on all Counts” verdict – including Election Fraud, Obstruction of Justice, Disclosure of State Secrets, and Sedition), for appropriate action by Congress.

The Trial evidence revealed that Obama/Soetoro:

  • traveled to Pakistan in 1981 on a Kenyan Passport (which answers your opening remarks of: “find out what Passport he used in 1981 to get into Pakistan, and you’ve got something to work with”);

  • was recruited by the C.I.A. while at Occidental College in CA because they needed a non-U.S. citizen, Arabic-speaking Muslim to work under cover for them in Afghanistan to help the Mujahedeen drive out the Russians in the early 1980’s (using Columbia University as a “cover”);

  • he never attended Columbia, nor was he a member of Wayne Allyn Root’s class of 43 students total – only two of whom were “black.” His “Degree” in Political Science was a fake, and Columbia never came forward during the elections to notify Americans that Obama/Soetoro was not Constitutionally eligible for the Office of President, thereby becoming complicit in the unconstitutional takeover of our government.

Instead of saying “This is fantastic news. I will certainly look into this to see if it proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he is ineligible for the Office of the President (non-U.S. citizenship would certainly prove that), and that removing him for ineligibility would solve all our Amnesty, Illegal Immigration, Cap & Trade, ObamaCare, etc., battles in one fell swoop,” you instead said: “The left would love to play that angle as an example of his service to his country.”

We know what the “left” will do, Congressman. The question is, what will you do, once you have the Court’s findings and verdict in front of you and your fellow Congress-members, demanding a full-scale investigation by Congress (and the Senate, and the A/G, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff) into the Guilty Verdict on all counts of Election Fraud, Obstruction of Justice, Disclosure of State Secrets, and Sedition – against the former Columbia University President Michael I. Sovern (1980-1993) and Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro?

Finally, I have come to the conclusion that if you believe that Barack Obama is not a natural born Citizen, yet you challenge his policies, in effect you are saying that his presidency is legitimate. If he is not a natural born Citizen (already proven not to be), then his presidency is illegitimate. Any bill that he signs is an illegitimate bill. It is seditious to imply that you respect his right to sign any bill into law when you know he has no right to be in the office, in my opinion.

Your response to this correspondence would be most appreciated.


/s/ Neil B. Turner

*You can read a summary of the Trial here.

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